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abandonment of a patent 放棄專(zhuān)利權(quán)
abandonment of a patent application 放棄專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)
abridgment 文摘
abstract 文摘(摘要)
abuse of patent 濫用專(zhuān)利權(quán)
action for infringement of patent 專(zhuān)利侵權(quán)訴訟
action of a patent 專(zhuān)利訴訟
address for service 文件送達(dá)地址
affidavit 誓書(shū)
allowance 準(zhǔn)許
amendment 修改
annual fee 年費(fèi)
annuity 年費(fèi)
anticipation 占先
appeal 上訴
appellation of origin 原產(chǎn)地名稱(chēng)
applicant for patent 專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)人
application date 申請(qǐng)日期
application documents 申請(qǐng)案文件
application fee 申請(qǐng)費(fèi)
application for patent 專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)(案)
application laying open for public inspection 公開(kāi)供公眾審查的申請(qǐng)
application number 申請(qǐng)?zhí)?/DIV>
application papers 申請(qǐng)案文件
arbitration 仲裁
art 技術(shù)
article of manufacture 制品
assignee 受讓人
assignment 轉(zhuǎn)讓
assignor 轉(zhuǎn)讓人
author of the invention 發(fā)明人
author’s certificate 發(fā)明人證書(shū)
basic patent 基本專(zhuān)利
Berne Convention 伯爾尼公約
Berne Union 伯爾尼聯(lián)盟
best mode 最佳方式
bibliographic data 著錄資料
BIRPI 保護(hù)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)聯(lián)合國(guó)國(guó)際局
board of appeals 申訴委員會(huì)
breach of confidence 泄密
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure 國(guó)際承認(rèn)用于專(zhuān)利程序的微生物保存布達(dá)佩斯條約
burden of proof 舉證責(zé)任
case law 判例法
caveat 預(yù)告
certificate of addition 增補(bǔ)證書(shū)
certificate of correction 更正證明書(shū)
certificate of patent 專(zhuān)利證書(shū)
certified copy 經(jīng)認(rèn)證的副本
Chemical Abstracts 化學(xué)文摘
citation 引證
claim 權(quán)項(xiàng)
classifier 分類(lèi)員
abandonment of a patent 放棄專(zhuān)利權(quán)
abandonment of a patent application 放棄專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)
abridgment 文摘
abstract 文摘(摘要)
abuse of patent 濫用專(zhuān)利權(quán)
action for infringement of patent 專(zhuān)利侵權(quán)訴訟
action of a patent 專(zhuān)利訴訟
address for service 文件送達(dá)地址
affidavit 誓書(shū)
allowance 準(zhǔn)許
amendment 修改
annual fee 年費(fèi)
annuity 年費(fèi)
anticipation 占先
appeal 上訴
appellation of origin 原產(chǎn)地名稱(chēng)
applicant for patent 專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)人
application date 申請(qǐng)日期
application documents 申請(qǐng)案文件
application fee 申請(qǐng)費(fèi)
application for patent 專(zhuān)利申請(qǐng)(案)
application laying open for public inspection 公開(kāi)供公眾審查的申請(qǐng)
application number 申請(qǐng)?zhí)?/DIV>
application papers 申請(qǐng)案文件
arbitration 仲裁
art 技術(shù)
article of manufacture 制品
assignee 受讓人
assignment 轉(zhuǎn)讓
assignor 轉(zhuǎn)讓人
author of the invention 發(fā)明人
author’s certificate 發(fā)明人證書(shū)
basic patent 基本專(zhuān)利
Berne Convention 伯爾尼公約
Berne Union 伯爾尼聯(lián)盟
best mode 最佳方式
bibliographic data 著錄資料
BIRPI 保護(hù)知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)聯(lián)合國(guó)國(guó)際局
board of appeals 申訴委員會(huì)
breach of confidence 泄密
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms for the Purposes of Patent Procedure 國(guó)際承認(rèn)用于專(zhuān)利程序的微生物保存布達(dá)佩斯條約
burden of proof 舉證責(zé)任
case law 判例法
caveat 預(yù)告
certificate of addition 增補(bǔ)證書(shū)
certificate of correction 更正證明書(shū)
certificate of patent 專(zhuān)利證書(shū)
certified copy 經(jīng)認(rèn)證的副本
Chemical Abstracts 化學(xué)文摘
citation 引證
claim 權(quán)項(xiàng)
classifier 分類(lèi)員
INID 著錄資料識(shí)別碼
ICIREPAT Numbers for the Identification of Data 著錄資料識(shí)別碼
INPADOC 國(guó)際專(zhuān)利文獻(xiàn)中心
INSPEC 國(guó)際物理學(xué)和工程情報(bào)服務(wù)部
insufficient disclosure 公開(kāi)不允分
intellectual property 知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)
interdependent patents 相互依存的專(zhuān)利
interference procedure 抵觸程序
interlocutory injunction 中間禁止令
interlocutory order 中間命令
International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants 保護(hù)植物新品種國(guó)際公約
International Patent Classification Agreement 國(guó)際專(zhuān)利分類(lèi)協(xié)定
International Preliminary Examining Authority 國(guó)際初審單位
international protection 國(guó)際保護(hù)
International Searching Authority 國(guó)際檢索單位
invalidation 無(wú)效
invention 發(fā)明
inventive step 獨(dú)創(chuàng)性
inventor 發(fā)明人
inventor’s certificate 發(fā)明人證書(shū)
IPC 國(guó)際專(zhuān)利分類(lèi)
International Patent Classification 國(guó)際專(zhuān)利分類(lèi)
issue of a patent 辦法專(zhuān)利
joint applicants 共同申請(qǐng)人
joint invention 共同發(fā)明
joint inventors 共同發(fā)明人
joint patentees 共同專(zhuān)利權(quán)人
journal 公報(bào)
judgment 判決
junior party 后申請(qǐng)方
know-how 技術(shù)訣竅
lapsed patent 已終止的專(zhuān)利
lawsuit of a patent 專(zhuān)利訴訟
legal person 法人
legend 說(shuō)明
LES International 國(guó)際許可貿(mào)易執(zhí)行人協(xié)會(huì)
Licensing Executives Society International 國(guó)際許可貿(mào)易執(zhí)行人協(xié)會(huì)
letters patent 專(zhuān)利證書(shū)
license 許可證
license agreement 許可證協(xié)議
license of course 當(dāng)然許可證
licensing 許可證貿(mào)易
licensor 許可人
Lisbon Agreement for the Protection of Appellations of Origin and their International Registration 保護(hù)原產(chǎn)地名稱(chēng)及國(guó)際注冊(cè)里斯本協(xié)定
Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Design 建立工業(yè)品外觀設(shè)計(jì)國(guó)際分類(lèi)洛迦諾協(xié)定
loss of a patent 專(zhuān)利權(quán)的喪失
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks 商標(biāo)國(guó)際注冊(cè)馬德里協(xié)定
Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods 制止商品產(chǎn)地虛假或欺騙性標(biāo)記馬德里協(xié)定
main patent 主專(zhuān)利
maintenance fee 維持費(fèi)
marking 標(biāo)記
memorandum of understanding 諒解備忘錄
method 方法
microforms 微縮文件
minimum documentation 最少限度檢索文獻(xiàn)
minimum royalties 最低提成費(fèi)
misuse of patent 濫用專(zhuān)利權(quán)
mixed license 混合許可證
model laws 示范法
most-favoured provision 最惠條款
name of invention 發(fā)明名稱(chēng)
national treatment 國(guó)民待遇
natural person 自然人
neighboring rights 鄰接權(quán)
new varieties of plants 植物新品種
Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks 商標(biāo)注冊(cè)用商品與服務(wù)國(guó)際分類(lèi)尼斯協(xié)定
non-examining countries 不審查制國(guó)家
non-exclusive license 非獨(dú)占性許可證
non-obviousness 非顯而易見(jiàn)性
non-use of a patent 不實(shí)施專(zhuān)利
notary public 公正機(jī)關(guān)
notice of infringement 侵權(quán)通知
novelty 新穎性
OAPI 非洲知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)組織
objection 異議
office action 專(zhuān)利局審查決定書(shū)
opposition 異議
originality 獨(dú)創(chuàng)性
owner of a patent 專(zhuān)利所有人
parent application 原申請(qǐng)
Paris Convention 巴黎公約
Paris Union 巴黎聯(lián)盟
patent 專(zhuān)利
patent act 專(zhuān)利法
patent agent 專(zhuān)利代理人
patent applied for 已申請(qǐng)專(zhuān)利
patent attorney 專(zhuān)利律師
patent classification 專(zhuān)利分類(lèi)
patent documentation 專(zhuān)利文獻(xiàn)
patent documents 專(zhuān)利文件
patent families 同族專(zhuān)利
www.legaltranz.com 專(zhuān)利翻譯
patent for an invention 發(fā)明專(zhuān)利
patent law 專(zhuān)利法
patent license 專(zhuān)利許可證
patent number 專(zhuān)利號(hào)
patent of addition 增補(bǔ)專(zhuān)利
patent of confirmation 確認(rèn)專(zhuān)利
patent of importation 輸入專(zhuān)利
patent of introduction 引進(jìn)專(zhuān)利
patent of revalidation 再效專(zhuān)利
patent office 專(zhuān)利局
patent pending 專(zhuān)利未決
patent right 專(zhuān)利權(quán)
patent rules 專(zhuān)利實(shí)施細(xì)則
patent system 專(zhuān)利制度
patentability 專(zhuān)利性
patented invention 專(zhuān)利發(fā)明
patentee 專(zhuān)利權(quán)人
patenting 授予專(zhuān)利權(quán)
PCT 專(zhuān)利合作條約
PCT Union 專(zhuān)利合作條約
pending application 未決申請(qǐng)
period of a patent 專(zhuān)利有效期
person skilled in the art 所屬技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的專(zhuān)業(yè)人員
petition 請(qǐng)求書(shū)
petty patent 小專(zhuān)利
plaintiff 原告人
plant patent 植物專(zhuān)利
pleadings 起訴狀
precautional patent 預(yù)告專(zhuān)利
precedents 判例
prescription 時(shí)效
prevention of unfair competitionprincipal patent 主專(zhuān)利
prior art 先有技術(shù)
prior use 先用
priority 優(yōu)先權(quán)
priority claim 優(yōu)先權(quán)聲明
priority declaration 優(yōu)先權(quán)聲明
process patent 方法專(zhuān)利
processing of an application 申請(qǐng)案的處理
product patent 產(chǎn)品專(zhuān)利
provisional specification 臨時(shí)說(shuō)明書(shū)
publication 公布
reclassification 再分類(lèi)
reexamination 復(fù)審
refusal 駁回
register of patents 專(zhuān)利登記冊(cè)
registered patent 登記專(zhuān)利
registered trade mark 注冊(cè)商標(biāo)
registration 登記
registration countries 登記制國(guó)家
reissue patent 再頒發(fā)專(zhuān)利
rejection 駁回
remedy 補(bǔ)救
renewal fee 續(xù)展費(fèi)
request 請(qǐng)求書(shū)
restoration of a lapsed patent 恢復(fù)已終止的專(zhuān)利
restricted conditions 限制條款
review 復(fù)審
revival of an abandoned application 恢復(fù)已放棄的申請(qǐng)
revocation of a patent 撤銷(xiāo)專(zhuān)利
royalties 提成費(fèi)
Science Abstracts 科學(xué)文摘
scientific discovery 科學(xué)發(fā)現(xiàn)
scope of protection 保護(hù)范圍
seal 蓋章
search 檢索
secret patent 機(jī)密專(zhuān)利
service invention 職務(wù)發(fā)明
service mark 服務(wù)標(biāo)記
signature 簽署
simple license 普通許可證
single applicant 單獨(dú)申請(qǐng)人
sliding scale of royalties 滑動(dòng)提成費(fèi)
sole license 排他性許可證
specification 說(shuō)明書(shū)
state of the art 先有技術(shù)水平
statement of claim 訴訟陳述
statement of defense 辯護(hù)陳述
substance patent 物質(zhì)專(zhuān)利
substantive examination 實(shí)質(zhì)性審查
succession 繼承
sufficiency of description 充分描述
technical assistance 技術(shù)協(xié)助
technical data 技術(shù)資料
technology transfer 技術(shù)轉(zhuǎn)移
temporary protection 臨時(shí)保護(hù)
term of a patent 專(zhuān)利有效期
The Hague Agreement Concerning the International Deposit of Industrial Designs 工業(yè)品外觀設(shè)計(jì)國(guó)際保存海牙協(xié)定
title of invention 發(fā)明名稱(chēng)
title to patent 專(zhuān)利所有權(quán)
trade mark 商標(biāo)
Trademark Registration Treaty 商標(biāo)注冊(cè)條約
trade name 廠商名稱(chēng)
trial 審判
unfair competition 不正當(dāng)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)
unity of invention 發(fā)明單一性
Universal Copyright Convention 世界版權(quán)公約
unpatentable subject matter 不能取得專(zhuān)利的主題
use patent 用途專(zhuān)利
utility certificate 實(shí)用證書(shū)
utility model 實(shí)用新型
Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative Elements of Marks 建立商標(biāo)圖形要素國(guó)際分類(lèi)維也納協(xié)定
Vienna Agreement for the Protection of Type Faces and their International Deposit 印刷字體保護(hù)及其國(guó)際保存維也納協(xié)定
WIPO 世界知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)組織
withdrawal of an application 撤回申請(qǐng)
witness 證人
working of a patent 實(shí)施專(zhuān)利
World Intellectual Property Organization 世界知識(shí)產(chǎn)權(quán)組這
WPI 世界專(zhuān)利索引
World Patent Index 世界專(zhuān)利索引
reference was made to Aricle 1 引用第一條
regarding claim 2 as not being supported by 關(guān)于權(quán)利要求2不被…支持
first please refer to claim 2 which state 先參照權(quán)利要求 2,其表明
the point of this discussion is that 此次討論的要點(diǎn)是….
regarding something , please refer to … 關(guān)于…請(qǐng)參考
for claim 1, I would suggest adding… 建議在權(quán)利要求1加入
the question is must we add st.in sb 問(wèn)題是我們必須在…中加入…
the reason we prefer to … 我們提到的理由
to avoide narrowing or wilding claim 1 避免縮小或擴(kuò)大權(quán)利要求1
so that the infringer would only have to 侵權(quán)者只須
Would you please advise how we can process in this question 請(qǐng)指示我們?cè)鯓犹幚碓搯?wèn)題
to optimize our protection for the application 使對(duì)申請(qǐng)的保護(hù)合理
claim1 was refected as being predictable 可以預(yù)料權(quán)利要求1可以恢復(fù)
on the basic of document1 在文件1的基礎(chǔ)上,基于文件1
common sense, known technical solution 公知,已知的技術(shù)方案
please note none of these teachings in D1 請(qǐng)注意在對(duì)比文件1中沒(méi)有該提示
even remotely suggest that 即使間接的建議
enable st shape to vary as a function of position 使某物的形狀作為位置函數(shù)變化
thereby providing a st. 因此,提供一個(gè)…
this is particular relevant to D1 which teach us st. 這一點(diǎn)與對(duì)比文件尤其相關(guān),它告訴我們…
vague generalized discussion in D1 含混的,泛泛的討論
the difference over D1 is quite clear and while 相對(duì)于D1的不同是很明顯的
claim 1 is rejected on the basis that 根據(jù)…駁回權(quán)利要求1
additional features don’t work to resolve question 附加的特征也不能解決問(wèn)題
over D1 in view of D2 對(duì)比D1并結(jié)合D2
claimed subject matter 要求保護(hù)的主題
claimed features 要求保護(hù)的特征
none of the prior art of record anticipates … 記錄在案的現(xiàn)有技術(shù)并沒(méi)有預(yù)見(jiàn)到…
clain 1and 2 have noveity under PCT Article 33(2) respectively 根據(jù)33條第二款權(quán)利要求都具有新穎性
may not go beyond the scope of the disclosure contained 不得超出原說(shuō)明書(shū)和權(quán)利要求書(shū)的范圍
in the initial specification and clainms
content of the application as originally filed 原始申請(qǐng)的內(nèi)容
take the view of (that) 采取…觀點(diǎn)
fall under (doing business ) 落入(商業(yè)方法)
subject matter claimed 要求保護(hù)的主題
technical contribution to the state of the art 對(duì)現(xiàn)有技術(shù)的貢獻(xiàn)
the protection sought should be indicated 要求保護(hù)的內(nèi)容應(yīng)當(dāng)在權(quán)利要求中-
in the claims by technical features 利用技術(shù)特征來(lái)表示
to delimite (defined) the scope of protection 限定了保護(hù)范圍
to enlarge the scope of protection 擴(kuò)大了保護(hù)范圍
to narrow the scope of protection 縮小了保護(hù)范圍
to be fulfill the requirment of clarity 滿足清晰的要求
claim to a product 產(chǎn)品權(quán)利要求
claim to a method 方法權(quán)利要求
omnibus claims 多項(xiàng)權(quán)利要求
reference signs 標(biāo)號(hào)
essential features (all features which were necessary for solving the techical problem with which the application was concerned had to be regarded as essential features ) 必要技術(shù)特征(解決與申請(qǐng)相關(guān)的技術(shù)問(wèn)題必須的所有的技術(shù)特征)
Maintenance fee 年費(fèi)
electronic funds transfer (EFT), credit card or deposit account 電子信貸轉(zhuǎn)移,信用卡或存儲(chǔ)賬戶(hù)支付方法
pertaining to (payment method) 關(guān)于
payments by credit card and payments by deposit account 信用卡或存儲(chǔ)賬戶(hù)支付
fully complied with 完全遵守
if the benefits thereof are desired. 得到其中的便利
be paid in advance 預(yù)先交
permits maintenance fees to be adjusted 允許年費(fèi)
to be adjusted every year on October 1 每年的10月一日調(diào)整
reflect any fluctuations during the previous 12 months 反映根據(jù)由勞動(dòng)部確定的
in the Consumer Price Index as determined 前12個(gè)月的
by the Secretary of Labor 消費(fèi)價(jià)格指數(shù)的波動(dòng)
sets forth the time periods 指定時(shí)間期限
referred to generally as the “window period,” 一般稱(chēng)為“窗口期”
The last day is the same day of the month the patent 窗口期的最后一天是專(zhuān)利授權(quán)后的
was granted 3 years and 6 months, 7 years and 6 months, 3年零6個(gè)月,7年零6個(gè)月
or 11 years and 6 months after grant of the patent. 和11年零6個(gè)月的授權(quán)當(dāng)月的同一日。

上一篇:Intellectual property damages

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