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Sales Agreement銷售合同(下)
作者:石家莊趙麗娜律師   出處:法律顧問網(wǎng)·涉外www.coinwram.com     時(shí)間:2010/10/8 15:57:00

3,  Seller's Standard specification for the material or materialsin effect at the time of shipment.賣方物資商品事實(shí)裝運(yùn)時(shí)的規(guī)格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)。
5. Subject to increase as provided in paragraph 7 on the reverse side hereof.可按本合同背面第七條規(guī)定上浮。
6. The additional terms and conditions on the reverse sidehereof are part of this agreement as effectively as though theypreceded the signatures of the parties.
( Reverse side)ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS(反面)附加條款和條件7.  Seller may increase any price hereunder on the first dayof any calendar quarter-yearly period by delivering or mailingwritten notice to Buyer at least fifteen (15) days prior to suchday. Buyer, however, shall have the right to cancel theundelivered portion of the material to which such increase inprice applies by delivering or maprior to the date when such increase is to become effective.賣方提價(jià)可在每個(gè)季度的第一五(15)天以書面提交或郵寄形式通知買方。買方則有權(quán)在漲價(jià)生效日之前向賣方提交或郵寄通知,取消漲價(jià)部分的訂貨。8.  In addition to the purchase price, Buyer shall pay Sellerthe amount of all govemmental taxes, excuses and/or othercharges (except taxes on measured by net income) that Sellermay be required to pay with respect to the production, sale ortransportation of any material delivered hereunder, except wherethe law otherwise provided.除買價(jià)外,買方還得支付賣方因生產(chǎn)、銷售或運(yùn)輸本合同有關(guān)商品而規(guī)定繳獲的所有的政府稅收、營(yíng)業(yè)稅和(或)其他一切收費(fèi)(純收入所得稅除外)法律另有規(guī)定的除外。9. If Buyer fumishes proof to Seller that Buyer canE   purchase from a manufacturer in any contract year any of theaforesaid materials produced within the United States, of thesame quality, upon similar terms and conditions, inapproximately the same quantity as the then unde/ivered quantityhereunder during such contract year, and at a lower price than isthen in effect under this Agreen\eX Jrureduce the price hereunder to such a lower price for theaforesaid quantity, Buyer may purchase such quantity from theother manufacturer ,  whereupon Buyer's  er's comniLment under thisAgreement shall 'oe reduced by the quantity so purchased.如買方向賣方證實(shí),買方可在合同年度內(nèi)從一制造商處按類似條件規(guī)定購(gòu)得在美國(guó)生產(chǎn)的上述產(chǎn)品,且質(zhì)量一樣,數(shù)量等同本合同年度尚未交貨數(shù)量,但價(jià)格低于本合同之定價(jià),如賣方拒絕就上述數(shù)量商品按此價(jià)格進(jìn)行降價(jià),買方可向其他制造商購(gòu)買該數(shù)量商品,并減少就該合同所承擔(dān)的購(gòu)貨義務(wù)。10. Unless otherwise provided for herein, Buyer shallplace order for, and shall be made in, approximately equalmonthly quantities, or if any material is insufficient in quantityto permit monthly shipment, then in quantities approximatelyevenly spaced throughout each contract year. If Buyer fails toso order any quantity provided for under this Agreement, Sellershall not be obliged subsequently to deliver such unorderedquantity.如無(wú)另行規(guī)定,買方每月訂貨量及每月裝船發(fā)貨量應(yīng)大致相同,如因缺貨而影響每月裝運(yùn),則應(yīng)依量大致按合同年平均進(jìn)行裝運(yùn)。如買方不按本合同之規(guī)定訂貨,賣方將無(wú)義務(wù)提供未訂購(gòu)貨物。11.  Payment shall be made on demand, without discount.Seller reserves the right, among other remedies, either toterminate this Agreement or to suspend further de/iveries uponfailure of Buyer to make any payment as herein provided.支付以取貨即付的方式,不得折扣。如賣方不按本合同之規(guī)定支付貨款,除其他補(bǔ)救之外,賣方有權(quán)中止合同或停止發(fā)貨。12. Buyer's receipt of any material delivered hereundershall be an unqualified acceptance of ,  and a waiver by Buyer ofany and all claims with respect to, such material unless Buyergives Seller notice of claim within fifteen (15) days after suchreceipt. Buyer assumes all risk and liability for the resultsobtained by the use of any material delivered hereunder inmanufacturing processes of Buyer or in combination with othersubstances. No claim of any kind, whether or not based onnegligence, shall be greater in amount than the purchase priceof the material in respect of whiclevent shall either party be liable for special, indirect orconsequential damages, whether or not caused or resulting fromthe negligence of such party.買方收到按本合同所發(fā)商品后十五(15)天內(nèi)不向賣方提交索賠通知,則視為無(wú)保留接受該商品,且放棄一切有關(guān)權(quán)利要求。買方承擔(dān)在生產(chǎn)過程中使用按本合同所提供之商品或?qū)⑵渑c其他商品混合生產(chǎn)而產(chǎn)生的一切風(fēng)險(xiǎn)和責(zé)任。任何索賠,無(wú)論是就所提供之商品或就不提供商品,因過失或不因過失,數(shù)額均不得超過索賠標(biāo)的物的買價(jià)。任何一方均不對(duì)特殊、間接或后繼的損害負(fù)責(zé),不論其是否是因一方當(dāng)事人過失而引起或產(chǎn)生。/3. Neither party shall be liable for its failure to performhereunder due to any contingency beyond its reasonable control,including acts of God, fires, floods, wars, sabotage,accidents, labor disputes oi shortages, govemmental laws,ordinances, ru/es and regulations, whether valid or invalid(including, but not \imited to, priorities, requisitions,allocations, and price adjustment restrictions). inability toobtain material, equipment or transportation, and any othersimilar or diffeient contingency. The party whose performanceis prevented by any such contingency shaU have the right omitduring the period of such contingency al/ or any portion of thequantity de/iverable chmng such period, whether upon the totalquantity deliverable under this Agreement shall 'oe Teduced 'oythe quantity so omitted. If, due to any such occurrence, Selleris unable to supply the total demands for any material specifiedin this Agreement, Seller shall have the right to allocate itsavai/a'o/e supply among its custodi.risions in a fair and equita'ole manner.  In no event shall Seller'oe ob/iged to purchase material from others in order to enalole todeliver materia/ to Buyer hereunder,因不可抗力事故(包括不可抗損失、火災(zāi)、洪水、戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)、破壞、意外事件、勞資糾紛或勞力貧乏)、政府法律、法令、規(guī)則和條例(不論是否合法,包括但不排除優(yōu)先權(quán)、征用、分配及價(jià)格調(diào)整限制等)、物資設(shè)備及運(yùn)輸短缺,以及其他類似或不同意外事故,雙方當(dāng)事人均可免去違約責(zé)任。遇此事故的當(dāng)事人有權(quán)免去全部或部分在該事故期內(nèi)本應(yīng)收、發(fā)的貨物,免去之?dāng)?shù)額應(yīng)從合同總額中扣除。由于上述事故使得賣方無(wú)法提供本合同規(guī)定數(shù)額之某種商品,賣方有權(quán)公平合理地在其顧客、部門和分公司間就可能提供之商品進(jìn)行分配。在任何情況下均不得迫使賣方為滿足買方的供貨而向他人購(gòu)買商品。14. The validity, interpretation and performance of thisAgreement with respect to any material delivered hereundershall be govemed 'oy the law of the State in which such materialwas manufactured. This Agreement contains all of therepresentations and agreements between the parties hereto.Seller warrants that material delivered hereunder meets Seller'sstandard specification for the material or such otherspecifications as have been expressly made a part of thisAgreement and that such mater12A is adequately contained,packaged and labeled and conforms to the promises andaffirmations of fact made on the container and label, THEFOREGOING WARRANTS  ARE EXCLUSIVE ,  AND ARE INLIEU OF  ALL  OTHER WARRANflES  ( WHETHERWRITTEN,   ORAL   OR   IMPLIED )    INCLUDINGWARRANTY  OF  MERCHANTABILITY IN  OTHERRESPECTS THAN EXPRESSLY SET FORTH ABOVE ANDWARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULARPURPOSE. This Agreement shall 'oe 'oinding upon and ensureto the benefit of the respective successors and assignees of eachof the parties hereto, 'out any assignment thereof by either partywithout the prior written consent of the other party shall 'oevoid. No modification of this Agreement or waiver of the termsor conditions thereof shall 'oe binding upon Seller unlessapproved in writing by  an  authorized representative,  ot shall beeffected by the acknowledgement or acceptance of purchaseorder form containing other or different terms or conditionswhether or not signed by authorized representative of Seller.本合同的效力、解釋和履行以及有關(guān)產(chǎn)品的提供等均應(yīng)遵守產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)地州的法律規(guī)定。本合同經(jīng)當(dāng)事雙方充分討論同意締結(jié)。賣方保證所提供之商品符合商品規(guī)格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定及本合同中有關(guān)規(guī)定的其他明文規(guī)定,保證合理包裝及標(biāo)記商品,遵守有關(guān)集裝箱和標(biāo)記的承諾和保證。以上保證具有排他性,將替代其他一切保證(不論是書面、口頭或默示),包括以上明婦文規(guī)定之外的購(gòu)銷保證及特殊供應(yīng)保證。本合同對(duì)雙方當(dāng)事人的繼承人和受讓人均有效力,并保證其各自的利益,但預(yù)先未征得對(duì)方當(dāng)事人書面同意的轉(zhuǎn)讓無(wú)效。未經(jīng)賣方委托人書面認(rèn)可,任何合同的修改或其條款規(guī)定解除都將無(wú)效,此種修改或解除也不得因賣方認(rèn)可或接收其他條款規(guī)定的購(gòu)貨單而生效,不論此貨單貨單是否經(jīng)賣方委托人簽字。

上一篇:銷售確認(rèn)書Sales Confirmation
下一篇:Sales Agreement銷售合同(1)

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內(nèi) 容 *

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