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Desperate Housewives 第一季 6集:Running to Stand Still
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Desperate Housewives 第一季 6集:Running to Stand Still
-MARY ALICE: Suburbia is a battleground,
 suburbia: [總稱]郊區(qū)
 battleground: 戰(zhàn)地、戰(zhàn)場 
an arena for all forms of domestic combat.
arena: 競技場 form: 形式、形狀 domestic: 家庭的 combat: 爭斗
 Husbands clash with wives, parents cross swords with children,
 husband: 丈夫 clash with:發(fā)生沖突 clash: 沖突 cross swords: 爭斗 sword: 劍、刀
but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law.
bloody: 血腥的 battle: 戰(zhàn)爭 involve: 牽涉 mothers-in-law: 婆婆、岳母
The war for control of Carlos began the night he proposed,
war: 戰(zhàn)爭 control: 控制,管理的權(quán)力 propose: (常指男子)求婚
and Gabrielle had been losing ground to Juanita ever since.
lose: 失去 ground: 戰(zhàn)場、場地 ever since: 從那時(shí)起(自那時(shí)以來)
From the prenuptial agreement which she reluctantly signed,
prenuptial: 結(jié)婚前的、婚禮前的 agreement: 協(xié)議 reluctantly: 不情愿地 sign: 簽字
to the selection of wedding music she despised,
selection: 選擇 wedding: 婚禮 despised: 厭惡的
the color of the house paint she hadn’t wanted ...
paint: 油漆、粉刷
Gabrielle had suffered one defeat after another.
suffer: 遭受 defeat: 失敗 one after another: 一個(gè)又一個(gè)的
And now that Juanita suspected her daughter-in-law of having an affair,
suspect: 懷疑 daughter-in-law: 兒媳婦 have an affair: (和…)通奸,(與某人)有不正當(dāng)?shù)哪信P(guān)系 affair: (尤指關(guān)系不長久的)風(fēng)流韻事;(不正當(dāng)?shù)模⿷賽凼录;私?/SPAN>
it had became increasingly apparent that in this war...
become: 變得 increasingly: 逐漸地、漸增地 apparent: 明顯的
-YOA LIN: Mrs. Solis, I’ll be at the market.
 market: 市場
-MARY ALICE: ...no prisoners would be taken.
 prisoner: 囚犯 be taken: 被捉住
-GABRIELLE: "Thank you, Yao Lin.
-MAMA SOLIS: I don’t see why you have her.
 have: 雇用
-GABRIELLE: It’s a big house. I need help.
-MAMA SOLIS: It’s only called help when you do some of the work yourself.
-GABRIELLE: I supervise.
 supervise: 監(jiān)督、管理
-MAMA SOLIS: You pay her $300 a week. That’s $15,000 a year.
 pay: 支付 
Carlos, you always say how you’re not putting away enough for retirement!
always: 總是 put away: 儲(chǔ)蓄 enough for: 對…足夠的 retirement: 退休
-CARLOS: You know, baby, it would be a good idea if we cut back on expenses.
 idea: 主意、想法 cut back on: 減少 expenses: 費(fèi)用、開支
-GABRIELLE: You expect me to take care of this place all by myself?
 expect: [口語](料)想 take care of: 照顧、打理 all by oneself: 一個(gè)人
-CARLOS: Other women manage...
 manage: 處理事務(wù)
-CARLOS: Mmmm... that’s nice..
-GABRIELLE: You like that?
-CARLOS: Oh yeah.
-GABRIELLE: God, I’m going to miss this, Carlos.
 miss: 想念
-CARLOS: What do you mean?
 mean: 意思是
-GABRIELLE: Well, since, I’m going to have to be doing the cooking, and the cleaning, and all the shopping,like the other wives...
 have to: 不得不,必須 cooking: 做飯 cleaning: 清潔、打掃 shopping: 購物
-CARLOS: Mmm hmm...
-GABRIELLE: ...I’m going to be exhausted at night--just like all the other wives ...
exhausted: 精疲力竭的
晚上就精疲力盡了, 就像其它的妻子那樣。
till I build up my stamina, of course, but that might take a couple of years...
till: 直到 build up: 增強(qiáng)體力,鍛煉 stamina: 床上的)持久力,【Length of time one lasts in a sexual encounter before climaxing.- Urban Dictionary a couple of: [口語]少數(shù)的,幾個(gè)
-MARY ALICE: Sadly for Juanita, she had ignored the first rule of war...
 sadly: 悲慘的、不幸的 ignore: 忽略、忽視 rule: 規(guī)則
-MAMA SOLIS: Good morning, Carlos.
-MARY ALICE: Never underestimate your enemy!
 underestimate: 低估 enemy: 敵人
-MARY ALICE: Of the many suburban rituals,
 suburban: 市郊的 ritual: 儀式、典禮
none is quite so cherished as the neighborhood yard sale.
cherished: 熱愛 neighborhood: 附近、臨近 yard sale: [美國英語]宅前賤賣 yard: 庭院
The shoppers come to sift through the discarded belongings of someone they don’t really know,
shopper: 購物者 sift through: 被篩選、通過  sift: 篩選、審查 discard: 丟棄 belonging: 所有物
in hopes of finding bargains they don’t really need,
in hopes of: 希望 bargain: 特價(jià)品 
each so determined to save a few pennies,
determined: 堅(jiān)決的、相信的 save: 節(jié)省 penny: 便士
they often miss hidden treasures...
miss: 錯(cuò)過 hidden: 隱藏的、秘密的 treasure: 寶物、財(cái)富
-SUSAN: Hey, Paul.
-PAUL: Hi, Susan.
-SUSAN:  I got to say, I was a little surprised to see Mary Alice’s award for sale.
 surprised: 驚奇的 award: 獎(jiǎng)品 for sale: 出售
 我很好奇你將Mary Alice的東西也賣了
 She got it for doing charity work, from the Chamber of Commerce.
 charity work: 慈善事業(yè) charity: 仁慈、寬厚 Chamber of Commerce: 商會(huì) chamber: (非官辦的)社團(tuán),會(huì)所 commerce: 商業(yè)
-PAUL: Zach and I are moving.
 move: 搬家
 We don’t need to carry any more with us than is absolutely necessary.
 carry: 搬,拿 absolutely: 完全地、確實(shí)地 necessary: 必須的、必要的
-SUSAN: "That makes sense.
 make sense: 言之有理 sense: 感覺、了解
 Still, I just want to make sure you didn’t want to keep it, for Zach,
 make sure: 確定 keep: 保留
 something to remember his mother by.
 remember: 記憶、紀(jì)念
-PAUL: Zach doesn’t need a piece of glass to remember his mother.
 a piece of: 一(塊、片
 I’m out of newspaper.
 newspaper: 報(bào)紙
-PAUL: Here, let’s call it ten bucks for everything.
-SUSAN: Great.
 Speaking of Zach, I haven’t seen him around lately.
 speaking of: 說起、談到 around: 周圍、到處 lately: 最近
-PAUL: He’s been a bit depressed.
 a bit: 一點(diǎn) depressed: 沮喪的
 I thought he could use a change of scenery, so I sent him to stay with relatives.
 change: 變化、改變 scenery: 風(fēng)景、環(huán)境 stay with: 和…住在一起;在…家里做客 relative: 親戚
-SUSAN: Oh, which ones?
-PAUL: You don’t know them.
-SUSAN: So, how’d you get the fat lip?           
 fat lip: [俚語]被打腫的嘴唇
-PAUL: The usual way. Asking too many questions.
 usual: 通常的 question: 問題
-GABRIELLE: "Did you find out where Zach is?
 find out: 發(fā)現(xiàn)、找到
-SUSAN: No, but I can tell you this much. He’s not staying with relatives.
-CARLOS: It’s driving me crazy, mama.
 drive: 驅(qū)使 crazy: 瘋狂的
 It could be any one of these guys she’s having the affair with.
 guy: 男人、家伙
-MAMA SOLIS: Don’t worry about it. I’m not letting her out of my sight.
 don’t worry: 別著急、別擔(dān)心 sight: 視野、視線
-CARLOS: Now, who the hell is that?
 the hell: 究竟,到底 hell: 地獄【混蛋】
 And look at the way she’s touching him. You think that’s the guy she’s having the affair with?
 touch: 接觸
-MAMA SOLIS: Carlos, don’t be stupid.
 stupid: 愚蠢的、笨的
 A guy she talks to in public isnt someone youre going to worry about.
 in public: 大庭廣眾 public: 公眾的、民眾的 worry about: 擔(dān)心
-CARLOS: So it’s someone that she doesn’t talk to.
 What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town?
 beat up: 暴打
-MAMA SOLIS: Marriage takes work!
 marriage: 婚姻
-LYNETTE: I’m not surprised that he’s playing it close to the vest. Paul knows we’re on to him.
 surprised: 感到驚訝的 close to the vest: 謹(jǐn)慎小心 vest: 背心 be on to someone: 知道(某人的)意
-BREE: Zach said Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done, something 
 kill oneself: 自殺 because of: 因?yàn)?/SPAN>
 Is there anyone else who'd know what he was talking about?
-SUSAN: No. That’s why we have to find him.
 have to: 必須、不得不
 It’s the only way we’ll know the truth.
 the only way: 唯一出路 truth: 真實(shí)、真相
-BREE: It just doesn’t make any sense. Zach is such a sweet kid.
 sweet: 甜的、可愛的 kid: 小孩
 I can’t imagine him doing anything that terrible.
 imagine: 想象、幻想 terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的
-GABRIELLE: Well, he did break into your house.
 break into: 闖入
 I mean, the kid is obviously troubled in some way.
 obviously: 顯然地 troubled: 麻煩的、困惑的 in some way: 在某種意義上,有一點(diǎn),有些
-DR. SICHER: Severe depression.
 severe: 嚴(yán)重的 depression: [精神病學(xué)]抑郁癥,憂郁癥
 Borderline personality disorder. Zach is a deeply troubled young man.
 borderline personality disorder: 邊緣型人格異常  borderline: 邊界、界限 personality: 個(gè)性 disorder:混亂 deeply: 深深地
-PAUL: I’m aware of that. What are you giving him?
 be aware of: 意識(shí)到 aware: 知道的、意識(shí)到的
-DR. SICHER: Some antidepressants and a mood stabilizer.
 antidepressant: 抗抑郁藥 mood: 心情、情緒 stabilizer: 穩(wěn)定器
-PAUL: Good.
-DR. SICHER: "I’m also recommending extensive psychotherapy,
 recommend: 建議、推薦 extensive: 廣泛的、廣闊的 unearth: 發(fā)掘 
 to help unearth any repressed.
 repressed: 被壓抑的 psychotherapy: 心理療法、精神療法 
-PAUL: I don’t think so.
-DR. SICHER: Mr. Young, I can’t just medicate him indefinitely.
 medicate: 用藥治療 indefinitely: 無限地
-PAUL: Forget the Freud and stick with the drugs.
 forget: 忘記 Freud: 弗洛伊德 stick with: 堅(jiān)持做 drug: 藥品
 No new treatments without my permission.
 treatment: 治療 permission: 同意、許可
-MS. TUESDALE: I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood,
 version: 版本 Little Red Riding Hood: 小紅帽 riding: 騎馬 hood: 頭巾 
and it is your involvement that make the plays here at Barcliffe Academy so special. Thank you.
involvement: 參與,加入 play: 劇本、戲劇 special: 特別的
And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting to our parent coordinator, the amazing MaisyGibbons.
turn over: 移交 coordinator: 同等重要的人,伙伴 amazing: 令人驚異的
現(xiàn)在我要把我們的話題交給我的另外一個(gè)很棒的伙伴,Maisy Givens。
-MAISY: Thank you, Ms. Truesdale.
Now, before everyone leaves, we have new copies of the script up here.
copy: 復(fù)印、副本 script: 原稿
Tilda and Francis and I went to the rehearsal yesterday,
rehearsal: 排練、彩排
and we were a little troubled by the ending.
troubled: 困惑的 ending: 結(jié)尾,結(jié)局
Killing the wolf. It says the wrong message to our kids.
kill: 殺死 wolf:  message: 消息、信息
And we believe that animals should only be euthanized as a last resort.
believe: 認(rèn)為,想 animal: 動(dòng)物 euthanize: 使安樂死 resort: 手段
-MAISY: Do you find something amusing?
 amusing: 有趣的、引人發(fā)笑的
-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding.
 kid: 開玩笑
-LYNETTE: Oh, okay.
-MAISY: So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw.
 aggressive: 有攻擊性的 thorn:  paw: 爪子
And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way.
woodsman: 樵夫 send...away: 放走…
-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, aren’t we doing Little Red Riding Hood?
-MAISY: Yes.
-LYNETTE: "So then you are aware that the wolf is a bad guy. He eats Little Red’s grandma.
 aware: 意識(shí)到、知道 grandma: (口語)外婆,奶奶
If you let him go, he’s just going to chow down on another defenseless old lady.
let go: 放開 chow:  defenseless: 毫無防備的 lady: 女士
-MAISY: I’m sorry, and you are?
-LYNETTE: I’m Lynette Scavo. My twins just joined. They’re playing oak trees.
twins: 雙胞胎 joined: 加入、參加 oak: 橡樹
我是Lynette Scavo,我的雙胞胎剛剛參加了,他們出演大橡樹。
-MAISY: Oh, of course. Lynette. Let’s see, you are ... signed up to take tickets the night of the
 show, is that right?
sign up: 簽字參加  ticket: 票、卷
-LYNETTE: "Yeah.
-MAISY: Well, with all due respect,
 with all due respect: [表示異議時(shí)所用的委婉語]盡管(對您)尊敬之至 due: 應(yīng)得的 respect: 尊敬
let’s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we?
creative: 創(chuàng)造性的 suggestion: 建議 assume: 假定、設(shè)想 lifting: 舉起
-LYNETTE: Sure. Whatever.
 whatever: 不管怎樣
-BREE: I must say, I’m jealous of how much time you two spend together.
 jealous of: 嫉妒 jealous: 妒忌的 spend: 花費(fèi)、度過
My mother-in-law would never want to hang out with me all day.
hang out: 居住于(某地);常去(某處) all day: 整天
-GABRIELLE: She sounds nice.
 sound: 聽起來,好像
-BREE: Oh, hey there, you two!
-JOHN: Mrs. Solis.
-GABRIELLE: I wasn’t aware you two were friends.
be aware of: 意識(shí)到 aware: 知道的、意識(shí)到的
-JOHN: Yeah, we go to the same school.
 the same: 同樣的
-GABRIELLE: Of course you do.
-DANIELLE: Mom, if you need anything, we’ll be upstairs in my room studying.
 upstairs: 樓上
-BREE: Have fun.
-GABRIELLE: Doesn’t it make you nervous, a boy alone upstairs with Danielle?
 nervous: 緊張的 alone: 單獨(dú)的
-BREE: Oh no, I don’t worry about John. Both he and Danielle are in the abstinence club.
 worry about: 擔(dān)心 abstinence: 節(jié)制 club: 俱樂部
-GABRIELLE: The coffee is a little hot.
 hot: 燙的,灼熱的
-MARY ALICE: Susan was infuriated by Paul’s evasive answers.         
 infuriate: 使發(fā)怒,激怒 evasive: 回避的、托詞的 answer: 回答,答案
-PAUL: Hey!
-MARY ALICE: She was convinced he was deliberately hiding Zach, and hiding the truth.
 convinced: 信服的 deliberately: 故意地 hide: 藏、隱瞞
She hoped that finding one would lead to the other.
hope: 希望 lead to: 引導(dǎo)
To succeed, Susan would have to be evasive herself.
succeed: 成功 
-MRS. GREENBURG: Susan. Long time no see.
-SUSAN: Mrs. Greenberg. Do you remember those two eggs I let you borrow last Christmas?
 remember: 記得 Christmas: 圣誕節(jié) borrow: 借入 last: 上一次
-SUSAN: I need those back.
-MRS. GREENBURG: Well gosh, honey, I’m fresh out, but if you want, I could run to the store.
 gosh: 糟了 honey: 親愛的,寶貝 fresh out: 忘記了 fresh: 新鮮的、無經(jīng)驗(yàn)的 store: 商店
-SUSAN: "Oh, forget about it, it’s not that important,
 forget about it: [口語]不要提了 important: 重要的
but since I’m here, do you still have that old hatchback sitting in your garage?
since: 既然 hatchback: 有艙門式后背的汽車 sit: 位于 garage: 車庫
Can I borrow it tomorrow?
-MRS. GREENBURG: You want to borrow my car?
-SUSAN: Just for a couple of hours.
a couple of: 兩個(gè),幾個(gè)
-MRS. GREENBURG: Well, I’m not sure. Do you know how to drive a stick?
 drive a stick: 開手動(dòng)檔的車 stick: 桿、手杖
-SUSAN: Yes, I think so. I learned in college. It’s like riding a bike, right?
 learn: 學(xué)習(xí) college: 學(xué)院 ride:
-MRS. GREENBURG: I’m not sure, dear.
-SUSAN: It’s not big deal. It’s just for a couple of hours.
 big deal: 重要的事 deal: [口語]事情
I let you borrow my eggs for a whole year.
whole: 整個(gè)的、全部
-DR. GOLDFINE: First off, I’m very pleased with the work we’ve done in our sessions thus far.
 first off: 首先  be pleased with: 對…高興的,滿意的 session: 會(huì)議【工作】 thus far: 目前為止
We’re making excellent progress.
make progress: 取得進(jìn)步 progress: 進(jìn)步、發(fā)展 excellent: 優(yōu)秀的、極好的
-BREE: "Thank you, I feel really good about it.
 feel good about: 對…感到滿意
-DR. GOLDFINE: But there are a few areas of your marriage we haven’t covered yet.
 area: 區(qū)域、領(lǐng)域 cover: 覆蓋、涉及
-BREE: "Oh, really. Like what?
-REX: Um, I’ve told Dr. Goldfine in our private sessions that I’m not happy with our sex life.
 private: 私人的 sex life: 性生活 sex:
-DR. GOLDFINE: And Rex feels when you two have intercourse,
 intercourse: 性交,交媾 
you’re not as connected as you could be.
 as…as: 一樣
-BREE: Connected?
 connected: 連續(xù)的,連貫的
-REX: Well yeah, it’s like you’re thinking about other things.
 think about: 思考、考慮
Is your hair getting messed up? Did you remember to buy the toothpaste?
mess up: 凌亂、混亂 toothpaste: 牙膏
You’re just not there.
-DR. GOLDFINE: This kind of disconnect is often a symptom of a deeper problem.
 disconnect: 斷開,脫節(jié) symptom: 癥狀、征兆 deeper: 更深
-REX: So, we were talking, and the idea of a sexual surrogate came up.
 sexual: 性的 surrogate: 代理人 come up: 提及;被提出
-DR. GOLDFINE: This is a licensed professional
 licensed: 得到許可的 professional: 專業(yè)人員
who'd work with you as a couple on solving whatever sexual problems you may be having.
work with: 處理 couple: 夫婦 whatever: 無論何事 solve: 解答、解決
I have an excellent referral.
referral: 提名
-BREE: And what would this sexual surrogate person do?                  
-REX: Well, she would coach us.
 coach: 訓(xùn)練、指導(dǎo)
-BREE: She!
-DR. GOLDFINE: She’s very discrete. You’ll hardly notice she's there.
 discrete: 不聯(lián)系的 hardly: 幾乎不 notice: 注意、留心
-BREE: "Oh. So she would be in the room with us, while we make love?
 make love: 做愛
-REX: Yes, helping us to achieve maximum sexual potential.
 achieve: 到達(dá)、實(shí)現(xiàn) maximum: 極點(diǎn)、最大 sexual: 性的 potential: 潛能、潛力
-DR. GOLDFINE: Do you have any questions?
-BREE: Just one. How much longer is your midlife crisis going to last,
 midlife: 中年 crisis: 危機(jī) last: 持續(xù)
because it is really starting to tick me off!
tick off: [美國口語]使…生氣,使…惱火
-LYNETTE: All right. I think everyone is down for a nap. We’ve got no more than an hour.
 nap: 小睡、打盹 no more than: 不超過
Let’s get cracking.
get cracking: [英國口語](迅速)開始工作,行動(dòng)起來;趕快 crack: 打開
-BREE: So how is it going with Mike, Susan?
 go with: 跟…談戀愛,與…交往
-SUSAN: It’s going, finally. We have our first official date next week.
 finally: 最后,最終 official: 官方的、正式的  date: 約會(huì)
I think he’s taking me to see a play or something.
play: 戲劇;表演 or something: 諸如此類的什么
-LYNETTE: Might I suggest the Barcliffe Academy production of Little Red Riding Hood?
 might: 可能 suggest: 建議 production: 作品、產(chǎn)品
-SUSAN: Oh, that’s right, the twins’ stage debut!
 stage: 舞臺(tái)、表演 debut: 初次登場
-GABRIELLE: Are they having fun?
 fun: 樂趣
-LYNETTE: Sure, they get to play oak trees.
 play: 扮演 oak: 橡樹 
I’m the one who has to deal with all the drama behind the scenes.
to deal with: 處理,對付 drama: 劇本、戲劇 scene: 場、景
-BREE: Oh, I take it you’ve met Maisy Gibbons.
-LYNETTE:  She’s a total nightmare. I guess I shouldn’t have challenged her.
 total: 完全的 nightmare: 噩夢 challenge: 挑戰(zhàn)
-BREE: Oh, dear.
-LYNETTE: Because now no one on the play committee even wants to talk to me.
 committee: 委員會(huì) even: 甚至
-BREE: Oh, Maisy does love to rule her little kingdom.
 rule: 統(tǒng)治、裁決 kingdom: 王國
-SUSAN: It hasn’t really changed since Girl Scouts.
 change: 改變 Girl Scouts: 女童子軍隊(duì)員 scout: 童子軍、偵查員
Girls smile at you to your face, and then behind your back, they make fun of you
smile at: 對…微笑 to one’s face: 當(dāng)面 make fun of: 嘲笑
because you’re the only one not shaving your legs yet.
shave: 刮、掠過
-LYNETTE: That would have never happened in Boy Scouts.
 happen: 發(fā)生
When I worked, mostly with men, I preferred the way they fought.
 mostly: 大概、主要 prefer: 更喜歡 fight: 競爭
A guy takes his opponent on, face to face, and once he’s won, he’s top dog.
opponent: 對手、敵手 face to face: 面對面地  win: 贏得,勝利  top dog: [俚語]優(yōu)勝者;(競爭中的)勝利者,獲勝者
It’s primitive, but it’s fair.
primitive: 簡單的 fair: 公平的
-SUSAN: And a lot less sneaky.
 sneaky: 鬼祟的、卑鄙的
-GABRIELLE: Isn’t it sexist of us to generalize like this.
 sexist: 性別歧視者 generalize: 一般化、概括
-LYNETTE: It’s science, Gabrielle. Sociologists have documented this stuff.
 science: 科學(xué) sociologist: 社會(huì)學(xué)家 document: 記載 stuff: 原料、東西
-GABRIELLE: Well, who am I to argue with sociologists?
 argue with: 不同意(某種看法)
Wow this, uh, this guacamole has got a kick. I’m going to run to the little girls room.
guacamole: 鱷梨色拉醬(是一種味道怪怪的墨西哥佐料,估計(jì)只有墨裔人喜歡。大家注意
GabrielleCarlos是墨裔)  kick: [口語](酒精等的)刺激;勁頭
You guys go ahead, I might be a while.
go ahead: 繼續(xù) 
-LYNETTE: I hate playing three handed poker. Let’s take a break.
 hate: 討厭,憎恨 poker: 撲克 take a break: 休息一會(huì)兒 break: 暫時(shí)休息
-MAMA SOLIS: I’ll play!
-BREE: You play poker?
-MAMA SOLIS: I used to play a little with my grandfather.
 used to: 過去常常
-MAMA SOLIS: Oh, I notice you were just playing for chips,
 notice: 注意到 chip: 微小的東西;無價(jià)值的東西
huh. My grandfather used to say, it’s always more fun to play for money.
used to: 常常 play for money: 賭錢
-LYNETTE: Why not? Fifty cents a bet?
 cent: 美分 bet: 賭注
-MAMA SOLIS: Make it a buck..
-MAMA SOLIS: Three raise limit. Twenty dollar buy in.
 raise: 上升、提高 limit: 限制、限定 buy in: 買進(jìn)
-JOHN: "Mrs. Solis! What are you doing?"
-GABRIELLE: "Why haven’t you returned any of my phone calls?"
 return: 回復(fù) phone call: 電話
-JOHN:  "I’ve been busy."
-GABRIELLE: "Yeah, I’ve seen who you’ve been busy with."
 busy with: 忙于
-JOHN: "Danielle? Come on, I mean, she’s just a friend."
 come on: 拜托
-GABRIELLE:  "Well, before you get any friendlier, let me remind you,
 friendly: 友好的 remind: 提醒
I can do things to you she can’t even pronounce.
pronounce: 說、宣稱
-JOHN: Well, a lot of good it does me with your mother-in-law following you around all the time.
 mother-in-law: 婆婆 follow: 跟隨 all the time: 一直
Look, maybe we should just cool it for a while."
maybe: 也許 cool it: 冷靜下來  for a while: 一段時(shí)間
-GABRIELLE: "Oh, no, John, please don’t say that. I have everything under control.
 under control: 處于控制之下 control: 控制
-GABRIELLE:  Now give me a boost.
 boost: 推進(jìn)、提高
-GABRIELLE: "Hey! So what did I miss?
 miss: 漏掉、錯(cuò)過
-MAMA SOLIS: Not much, just a few friendly hands of poker with the girls.
-MAISY: I'm sorry I'm late. As I’m sure you have all heard, Celia Bond broke her playing tennis,
 hear: 聽見、聽說 break: 折斷(骨頭等) wrist: 腕、腕關(guān)節(jié) tennis: 網(wǎng)球
我相信你們都聽說了,Cily Bon打網(wǎng)球的時(shí)候摔斷了根骨頭,
which means we are now in desperate need of someone to do the costumes.
mean: 意味著 in desperate need of: 極度需要 desperate: 絕望的、非常的 costume: 服裝、劇裝
I’m keeping my fingers crossed here. Are there any volunteers?
finger: 手指 cross: 交叉 volunteer: 志愿者
-LYNETTE: I’ll do it.
-MAISY: Really, that’s a ... do you know how to sew?
 sew: 縫紉、縫合
-LYNETTE: Absolutely.
 absolutely: 絕對的
-MAISY: Well, great, uh, thank you, Lynette!
-LYNETTE: Okay. So, now that I’m going to do some, heavy lifting,
I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script?
right: 權(quán)利 changes: 改變 script: 劇本,腳本
-LYNETTE: Um, ladies. We all grew up with Little Red Riding Hood,
 grow up: 成長 
and we survived it, scary stuff and all,
survive: 生存、生還 scary: 膽小的 stuff: 東西
so I say, to hell with political correctness,
to hell with: 讓…見鬼去吧 political: 政治的 correctness: 正確性
let our kids experience this classic like it was meant to be enjoyed.
experience: 經(jīng)歷、體驗(yàn) classic: 經(jīng)典的、古典的 be meant to: 應(yīng)該是,希望是
enjoy: 享受、喜歡
Let’s kill the damn wolf, and just put on the best show we can.
damn: 該死的、可惡的 wolf:  put on: 表演;演出 show: 演出,節(jié)目
-MAISY: Thank you, Lynette, for that impassioned speech,
 impassioned: 狂熱的 speech: 演講
but I believe that ship has sailed.
 sail: 航行
-JORDANA: No, it hasn’t. We still have time to change the ending back.
 still: 仍然 
-MS. TUESDALE: And you know, Maisy, it is just a fairy tale 
 fairy tale: 童話故事 fairy: 仙女、精靈  tale: 傳說、故事
 I don’t think it will upset the children.
 upset: 使不安;煩擾
-MAISY: Well, I think you are wrong.
-LYNETTE: Well, that’s what’s so great about being in a democracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
 democracy: 民主、民主制 entitled to: 有…的權(quán)利;有…的資格 entitled: 有資格的 opinion: 意見、想法
Also, everyone has a right to vote.
right: 權(quán)力 vote: 投票、表決
So all in favor of the woodsman going medieval on the big bad wolf’s ass...          
in favor of: 喜歡 woodsman: 林居者(如伐木工人、獵人等)  medieval: 中世紀(jì)的、仿中世紀(jì)的 ass:臀部
-BREE: "Dr. Goldfine.
 Goldfine 醫(yī)生。
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Bree."
-BREE: "You’re dining alone?"
 dining: 就餐
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Actually, I am."
 actually: 實(shí)際上
-BREE: "Well, what a coincidence. So am I.
 coincidence: 巧合
It seems a shame for us to eat by ourselves. Shall I, pull up a chair?"
 it seems: 看來是,似乎,據(jù)說  shame: 遺憾的事 pull up: 把…拉到近處;拉過來
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Bree, it’s nothing personal, but I never socialize with clients."
 personal: 私人的、個(gè)人的 socialize: 交往 client: 顧客、客戶
-BREE: "Oh," she pauses. "Oh, I get it. I’m so sorry, of course, it’s, it's inappropriate.
 pause: 暫停 get it: 理解 inappropriate: 不適當(dāng)?shù)摹⒉幌喾Q的
It’s just that after what happened yesterday, there’s so much I need to say because..."
happen: 發(fā)生
she pauses. I suppose it can wait.
suppose: 認(rèn)為,以為 wait: 等待
-GABRIELLE: No, Lynette, I’m sorry, Juanita’s taking a bath.
 take a bath: 洗澡 bath: 洗澡
Well, how much did she win from you? Geez," She laughs.
Yeah, I guess she’ll take a check. Okay. All right. Bye.
check: 檢查,查看 all right: 好吧
-CARLOS: What was that about?
-GABRIELLE: It turns out your mother is quite the card shark.
 turns out: 證明 card shark: [美國口語]玩牌老手;玩牌好手 shark: 鯊魚 [俚語]內(nèi)行
-CARLOS: You let her play cards? How long did she play?
 how long: 多久
-GABRIELLE: Not that long, why?
-GABRIELLE: Carlos, what is it?
-CARLOS: I never told you this, but my mother had a serious gambling problem.
 serious: 嚴(yán)肅的 gambling: 賭博、投機(jī)
-GABRIELLE: Was this before we were married?
 married: 已婚的
-CARLOS: Yeah. It was bad. She went into debt.
 go into: 進(jìn)入狀態(tài) debt: 債務(wù)
 She dipped into her savings, started hocking jewelry...
 dip into: 花錢、動(dòng)用 saving: 存款 hock: 典當(dāng)、抵押  jewelry: 珠寶
-GABRIELLE: Honey, it was only a small neighborhood game.
 neighborhood: 鄰居,街坊
-CARLOS: But it doesn’t take much for her to fall off the wagon.
 fall off: 跌落、陷入 wagon: 四輪馬車、貨車
 I know she seems like a very strong woman, but...
 strong: 堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的
-GABRIELLE: She has a major weakness.
 major: 主要的 weakness: 弱點(diǎn)
 Honey, oh, It's okay. You were right to tell me this.
 honey: 蜂蜜、寶貝
-DR. GOLDFINE: And you understand I have to treat this as a session.
 understand: 理解、了解 treat: 對待、處理 session: 會(huì)議、工作
-BREE: Of course, that's fine. Shall I include the meal?
 include: 包括 meal: 一餐,一頓飯
-DR. GOLDFINE: Oh no. We’ll split that.
 split: 分離、分開
-DR. GOLDFINE: So, let’s talk about yesterday.
 talk about: 談?wù)?/SPAN>
 You think there might have been some truth in what Rex said?
-BREE: No, I don’t.
-DR. GOLDFINE: Bree, you know, it’s not uncommon for people experiencing sexual repression
 to distance themselves from the act.
 uncommon: 不尋常的、非常的 experience: 經(jīng)歷;體驗(yàn) repression: 抑制、壓抑 distance: 使遠(yuǎn)離;使疏遠(yuǎn);對…冷淡 the act: [委婉語]性交,做愛
-BREE: Is that how you see me?
 As some sort of prude who just lays there like a cold fish? I love sex.
 sort of: 有點(diǎn) prude: 過分正經(jīng)的女人 lay:  cold fish: [俚語]沉默寡言、冷若冰霜的人 sex:性愛
-DR. GOLDFINE: All right.
-BREE: I love everything about it. The sensations, the smells.
 sensation: 感覺 smell: 聞、味道
 I especially love the feel of a man.
 especially: 尤其,特別 feel: 撫摸
 All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body. And then, when you add friction. Mmm ...  
 muscle: 肌肉 sinew: 肌肉、力量 press: 按、壓 add: 增加 friction: 摩擦
 The tactile sensation of running my tongue over a man’s nipple ever so gently.
 tactile: 觸覺的 tongue: 舌頭 nipple: 乳頭 gently: 輕輕的、溫柔的
 And then there’s the act itself –
 act: [the act][委婉語]性交,做愛
 two bodies becoming one in that final eruption of pleasure.
 final: 最后 eruption: 爆發(fā) pleasure: 高興、愉快
 To be honest, the only thing I don’t like about sex is the scrotum.
 to be honest: [用作插入語]說實(shí)在的,老實(shí)說 honest: 誠實(shí)的 scrotum: 陰囊
 I mean, obviously it has its practical applications, but I’m just not a fan.
 obviously: 顯然的 practical: 實(shí)際的 application: 用途 fan: 迷、狂熱
-WAITER: Can I get you something?
-DR. GOLDFINE: Uh, just the check, please.
 check: [美國英語]餐館(或酒吧間)的賬單
-WAITER: Sir, you haven’t ordered yet.
 order: 點(diǎn)菜
-MAMA SOLIS: We’re not shopping?
-GABRIELLE: Oh, I thought we would ,stop here for lunch first.
 This place has the best buffet in town. All you can eat crab legs. Oh no!
 buffet: 自助餐 crab:  
-MAMA SOLIS: What’s wrong? Let’s go!
-GABRIELLE: I didn’t realize how late it was.
 realize: 察覺、領(lǐng)悟
 They’re only holding the suede mini for me until two.
 suede: 小山羊皮 mini: 微型
 If we stay, I’ll never make it. We’ll just have lunch at the mall.
 mall: 商場
-MAMA SOLIS: Wait, uh, I’m really in the mood for crab legs.
 in the mood for: 想(有意) mood: 心情
 Why don’t you just drop me off, and you can come back.
 drop off: 讓…下車 
-GABRIELLE: Well, if the mall is crowded, it might take over an hour.
 crowded: 擁擠的 take: 花費(fèi)(時(shí)間)  over: (在數(shù)目、程度等上)高出,超過
-MAMA SOLIS: It’s a buffet. There’s no rush!
 rush: 匆促
-GABRIELLE: Hi John. Motel. Ten minutes. Be there.
 motel: 汽車旅館
-LYNETTE: All right. Off you go. Thanks.
 off you go: 去吧
-MAISY: Ooh, Lynette. I couldn’t help but notice,
 couldn’t help but: 情不自禁…   notice: 注意
 you forgot the coonskin on that hunter’s coonskin cap.
 coonskin: 浣熊的皮 hunter: 獵人 cap: 帽子
-LYNETTE: Oh, yeah, huh, it was a creative call.
 creative: 創(chuàng)造性的
 Look, I’m in the middle of a costume crisis, and if I don’t take a few shortcuts, I’ll never finish.
 in the middle of: 當(dāng)中 costume: 戲服 crisis: 危機(jī) shortcut: 捷徑 finish: 完成
-MAISY: Well, Jordana Guist manages to get her work done.
 manage: 處理、管理
 She runs the consessions, paints the sets,
 run: 經(jīng)營 paint: 涂色于 set:[戲劇]布景,場景
 and still has time to take care of her three kids and a husband.
 take care of: 照顧
 Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don’t understand the concept of time  
 suffer: 遭受、忍受 concept of time: 時(shí)間概念 concept: 觀念、概念 management: 管理
-LYNETTE: I hardly think the kids are going to suffer without a clump of fur on their heads.
 hardly: 幾乎不 clump: 叢、塊 fur: 毛皮、皮 
-MAISY: Okay, I’ll make a creative call.
 We’ll cut the oak trees. That forest is looking a little dense, anyway.
 cut: 刪除 forest: 森林 dense: 密集的、濃厚的 anyway: 不管怎樣
-LYNETTE: My boys are the oak trees.
-MAISY: Are they? Well, I wouldn’t worry. We’ll find something for them to do back stage.
 worry: 擔(dān)心,煩惱 back stage: 后臺(tái) stage: 舞臺(tái) 
 That’s where the real action is.
 real: 真的、真實(shí)的 action: 行動(dòng)、表現(xiàn)
-LYNETTE: I’ll finish the costumes.
 finish: 完成
-MAISY: Well, crisis averted.
 avert: 避免、防止
-JULIE: You have lost your mind.
 lose mind: 失去理智 mind: 主意、思想
-SUSAN: I checked up on this Silvercrest place. It’s a treatment center for troubled kids.
 check up: 核對、檢查 treatment: 治療 center: 中心 
 我查看了Silvercrest Juvenile這個(gè)地方,這是個(gè)問題少年治療中心。
 Who’s going to notice one more?
 I create the distraction. You blend in and find Zach.
 create: 創(chuàng)造、造成 distraction: 分心 blend in: 混入
-JULIE: How am I supposed to blend in with a bunch of messed up teenagers?
 supposed to: 應(yīng)該 suppose: 假定、想象 a bunch of: 很多 mess up: 混亂
 teenager: [美國英語]1319歲的)青少年
-SUSAN: I don’t know, Julie. You pretend to be bulemic. Gag a little.
 pretend: 假裝 bulimic: 貪食的 gag: 虛偽
 Come on, work with me here!
 work with: 與…合作
-JULIE: Mom, when this is over, we need to talk about your parenting skills.
 parenting: 父母對孩子的養(yǎng)育 skill: 技能、技巧
-SUSAN: Okay, fine, if you don’t want to help me, I’m not going to force you.
 force: 強(qiáng)迫
-JULIE: It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just, why does this mean so much to you?
 so much: 這么
-SUSAN: Because Mary Alice was a wonderful person,
 wonderful: 極好的、精彩的
 因?yàn)?/SPAN>Mary Alice是一個(gè)非常好的人,
 and now all anybody thinks about her is that she went off the deep end and did this terrible  
 selfish thing,
 terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的 go off: 死亡 the deep end: 水深的一頭 selfish: 自私的、利己的
 and I think there is more to it than that.
 She was my friend, Julie, and I owe it to her to find out the truth.
 owe: 有必要做(某事) find out: 發(fā)現(xiàn)
-GABRIELLE: Juanita, what’s wrong?
-GABRIELLE: Juanita!
-MAMA SOLIS: I didn’t go to the buffet. I went gambling instead, and I lost.
 buffet: 快餐部,便餐部  gambling: 賭博 instead: 代替、頂替 lose: (比賽、賭博等)輸?shù)?/SPAN>
-GABRIELLE: Well, how much did you have on you? It couldn’t have been much.
-MAMA SOLIS: I used Carlos’ credit card.
 credit: 信用 card: 卡片
-GABRIELLE: Okay, well, how much did you charge?
 charge: 花費(fèi)、費(fèi)用
-MAMA SOLIS: I don’t know, it stopped working.
-GABRIELLE: What do you mean, it stopped working.
 That thing has, like, a $15,000 credit limit.
 limit: 限制
-BREE: The man at the desk said there were no vacant rooms. Mind if I bunk with you?
 vacant: 空的 bunk: 睡在鋪位上
-REX: Bree, what are you doing here?
-BREE: It’s a little chilly out here, do you mind if we discuss this inside?
 chilly: 寒冷的 do you mind: 你介意……嗎? discuss: 討論 inside: 在里面
-REX: Come on in.
-BREE: It sure is nice and toasty in here.
 toasty: 溫暖舒適的
-REX: You look amazing.
 amazing: 令人驚異的
-BREE: Thanks. I was hoping you’d notice.
 hope: 希望 notice: 注意
 Well, it certainly isn’t the Ritz, but it has all the essentials.
 certainly: 無疑地,肯定地 ritz: 夸耀 essential: 要素、要點(diǎn)
-REX: I don’t know what to say.
-BREE: Then perhaps you shouldn’t say anything.
 perhaps: 可能
-BREE: Oh Rex, oh baby, stop, I just need a minute.
-REX: Oh, sweetie. Just leave it. Just leave it!
 sweetie: 情人、愛人 leave: 不管;忽略
-BREE: Okay, baby, where were we?
-REX: I told you to leave it.
-BREE: Sorry. I just - ah, come on, are you going to make a big deal about this?
 a big deal: 了不起的事,大人物
-REX: You know, to tell you the truth...
-REX: ...now is not really a good time for me.
-BREE: Well it’s obvious you’ve never had to remove a cheese stain. Hmph!
 obvious: 顯然的 remove: 除去 cheese: 乳酪、干酪 stain: 污染、污點(diǎn)
-LYNETTE: Bree, I totally understand. Yeah, I already tried Susan.
 totally: 完全的  understand: 理解  already: 已經(jīng) tried: 疲倦的
 And Gabby can't sew to save her life but seriously,
I’m going to be fine. But thanks anyway. Bye!
 sew: 縫紉 seriously: 認(rèn)真地 anyway: 不管怎樣
-JORDANA: Well, I’m a little ahead with my painting. Do you need some help?
 ahead: 在前面 painting: 油漆
-LYNETTE: Oh Jordana, you are really a lifesaver, thank you.
 lifesaver: 救命者
 Here, these pieces need trim.
 trim: 整理、修剪
-JORDANA: I’ll help for as long as I can, but I have a lot on my plate tonight.
 as long as I can: 盡快 on one’s plate: 待處理 plate: 盤子
 I have to make twenty-five mini quiches for my book club.
 quiche: 乳蛋餅 club: 俱樂部
-LYNETTE: You’re not human, are you! You were sent by aliens to make the human race feel 
 human: 人類 alien: 外國的 race: 種族 inadequate: 不充分的、不適當(dāng)?shù)?/SPAN>
-LYNETTE: Seriously, how, how do you cram it all in?
 seriously: 認(rèn)真地、嚴(yán)肅地  cram: 塞滿、填滿
-JORDANA: Can you keep a secret?
 keep a secret: 保守秘密 secret: 秘密
-LYNETTE: Um, sure.
-LYNETTE: That’s ADD medication.
 medication: 藥物治療
 My kids take this, or they almost did. I thought it was supposed to calm you down?
 supposed to: 應(yīng)該,猜想會(huì) calm down: 鎮(zhèn)定下來
-JORDANA: Um, it has the opposite effect if you don’t have attention deficit disorder.
 opposite: 相反的、相對的 effect: 影響、效果 attention: 注意力 deficit: 不足
 disorder: 紊亂,異常
 Ever chug a pot of Turkish coffee?
 chug: 一口氣的 pot: 罐、壺 Turkish: 土耳其的 
-LYNETTE: Seriously, you’re taking your kids medication?
-JORDANA: Once in a while. Do you want a couple?
 once in a while: 偶爾、有時(shí) couple: 幾個(gè)、一些
 -LYNETTE: Oh, that’s very kind of you, but I just smoked some crack a little while ago,
 crack: [美國俚語](強(qiáng)效純可卡因濃縮的)可卡因藥丸
 so I better not mix.
 mix: 混合、加入
-GABRIELLE: This is what we’ll do. I’ll sell some old jewelry, pay off the credit card,
 jewelry: 珠寶,首飾 pay off: 償還 
 and Carlos will never find out!
 find out: 發(fā)現(xiàn)
-MAMA SOLIS: You would do that for me?
-GABRIELLE: Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?
-MAMA SOLIS: Well, for starters, you hate me.
 for starters: 首先 starter: 起動(dòng)機(jī) hate: 討厭,憎恨
-GABRIELLE: Oh, that is overstating it ... a little.
 overstate: 夸張
 The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike you, I love Carlos more.
 the bottom line: 基本要點(diǎn)  bottom: 底部的 no matter how: 無論怎樣 matter: 事件、物質(zhì)
 dislike: 不喜歡
 If Carlos finds out about the money, he’ll be devastated.
 devastate: 毀壞,使不知所措
 I don’t want to see him hurt.
 hurt: 受傷的
 You don’t have to believe I’m a good person, but at least believe I care about my husband.
 at least: 至少 care about: 關(guān)心,在乎
-GABRIELLE:  Fine, to heck with it. I’m not going to risk my neck to protect you.
 to heck with: 讓…見鬼去 heck=hell: 見鬼 risk: 拿…冒險(xiǎn) neck: 項(xiàng)鏈 protect: 保護(hù)
 I’m calling Carlos.
-MARY ALICE: Juanita might have been the gambler of the family.
 gambler: 賭徒
-MAMA SOLIS: Wait, I believe you.
-MARY ALICE: But Gabrielle was the one who knew how to bluff.
 bluff: 嚇唬、虛張聲勢
-SUSAN: Hi, I’m Susan Mayer. I have an appointment to see Dr. Seker.
 appointment: 約會(huì)、預(yù)定
 你好,我是Susan Mayer,我約好了來見Seker醫(yī)生.
-NURSE: Yes, yes, he’s expecting you, let me get him for you.
 expect: 等待,盼望 
-DR SICHER: Hi, I’m Dr. Seker. So you're here doing research for a children’s book.
 research for: 調(diào)查 research: 研究、調(diào)查
-SUSAN: I sure am.
-JULIE: Zach?
-ZACH:  Oh hi, Julie.
-JULIE: What’s wrong with you?
-ZACH: It’s just all these pills they make me take. They kind of make me sleepy.
 pill: 藥丸 kind of: 差不多,相當(dāng) sleepy: 嗜睡的 
 What are you doing here?
-JULIE: I came to see how you were, and to ask you something.
 Look, I don’t have much time.
-ZACH: What is it?
-JULIE: Last week you told Mrs. Van de Kamp that your mom killed herself because of  
 something you did, something bad.
 kill oneself: 自殺 because of: 因?yàn)椋捎?/SPAN>
 上周你告訴Van De Kamp夫人你媽媽自殺是因?yàn)槟阕隽诵┎缓玫氖虑椤?/SPAN>
 What were you talking about?
-ZACH: After my mom died, I started remembering things that happened when I was little.
 die: 死亡 happen: 發(fā)生
 What happened to Dana.
-JULIE: Dana, who’s Dana?
-NURSE: What are you doing here?
-JULIE: I Was just - visiting my friend.
 visit: 拜訪、訪問
-NURSE: This patient is not allowed visitors.
 patient: 病人 allow: 允許 visitor: 參觀者、訪問者
-JULIE: I guess I have to go. I am so sorry, Zach.
 guess: [主美國口語]想;認(rèn)為
-REX:  Hi. I don’t want to disturb you, I just left some important papers here.
 disturb: 擾亂、妨礙 paper: 文件
 What are you doing?
-BREE:  I’m repairing a chipped mug.
 repair: 修理 chipped: 有缺口的 mug:
-REX: Why don’t you just buy a new one?
-BREE: Because I think it is better to fix what you already have.
 fix: 修理
-REX: Listen, um, about what happened today...
-BREE:  You humiliated me, Rex. For no good reason.
 humiliate: 使蒙羞 good reason: 充足的理由 reason: 原因、理由
-REX: I’m sorry.
-BREE:  I was there. I was willing. Normal men don’t say no to that.
 willing: 愿意的 normal: 正常的
-REX: You, you upset me.
 upset: 煩擾
-BREE: See, but I don’t think that’s the reason.
 After I left the motel, I um, did some thinking about us and our sex life,
 sex life: 性生活
 and I realized there has been a disconnect, but it’s coming from you.
 realize: 覺察,領(lǐng)悟 disconnect: 斷開、分開 come from: 來自
-REX: That’s ridiculous.
 ridiculous: 荒謬的、可笑的
-BREE: How many years have we been making love, and you've started to ask me something,
 but then you stop?
-REX: I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-BREE: You are unhappy with our sex life because you’re not getting something from me,
 unhappy: 不快樂的 
 but you’re simply too afraid to ask.
 simply: 簡單地、僅僅 tooto: 太…而不能
-REX: My problem with our sex life is that you can’t stop thinking about the house work.
 problem: 問題 house work: 家務(wù)
-BREE: Well, then, if that is the case, then take me, right here, right now.
 case: 情況、事件 right now: 現(xiàn)在
 The house is spotless. There aren’t any burritos lying around to pull my focus...
 spotless: 無可挑剔的 burrito: 玉米煎餅 pull: 吸引 focus: 焦點(diǎn)、注意力
-REX: I’m not in the mood.
 in the mood: 心情、好心情
-BREE: Why not? We haven’t had sex for months, Rex.
 Most normal, red-blooded men would be climbing the walls by now.
 red-blooded: 精力充沛的、活躍的 climb: 攀登 wall:  by now: 到現(xiàn)在
-REX: Please, don’t do this.
-BREE: Rex, whatever you want, I'll go there with you.
 whatever: 不管什么
 I will go there with you, you just have to say it out loud.
 loud: 大聲的
 Tell me, what do you want? What do you need?
-REX: I need for you to stop talking like this.
 need for: 需要
-BREE: Why?
-REX: Because you sound like a whore.
 sound like: 好像 whore: 妓女
-BREE: No I don’t. I sound like a woman whose husband won’t touch her.
 touch: 觸碰
 Rex, after Mary Alice killed herself, it all hit me.
 hit: 打擊、沖撞
 Rex,自從Mary Alice死了以后,給我很大觸動(dòng)。
 We all have our secrets, and I think it’s time for you to tell me yours.
 secret: 秘密 it’s time for: 時(shí)間了
-REX: I’m going.
-MARY ALICE: That night, while most of Wisteria Lane dreamt the night away,
 dream: 進(jìn)入夢鄉(xiāng),入睡
 夜幕降臨了,當(dāng)Wisteria Lane的大部分人都入睡了,
 Lynette was in the middle of her own personal nightmare.
 in the middle of: 正在…當(dāng)中 own: 自己的  personal: 個(gè)人的  nightmare: 噩夢
 Determined her boys would not miss their fairy tale debut,
 determine: 決定、確定 fairy tale: 神話,童話 debut: 初次登場
 Lynette stayed up 18 hours straight, sewing.
 stay up: 熬夜 straight: 直接的、連續(xù)的 
 But she began to fear her story would not have a happy ending.
 fear: 擔(dān)心、害怕 ending: 結(jié)局
-MARY ALICE: Luckily for Lynette, she had a magic potion handy.
 Luckily: 幸運(yùn)地 magic:有魔力的 potion: 一服、一劑  handy: 方便的
-MARY ALICE: And once she had taken it...the magic kept working....
 keep doing: 持續(xù)
-MARY ALICE: ...and working...
-MARY ALICE: ...and working.
-MARY ALICE: It wasn't until noon that Lynette finally took a break.
finally: 最終,最后  take a break: 休息一下
 And the reality of what she had done began to sink in.
 reality: 現(xiàn)實(shí),真相 sink in: 被了解、被理解
-LYNETTE: My, what big eyes you have.
-GABRIELLE: Mama Juanita, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?
-MAMA SOLIS: I'm fine, thank you.
-CARLOS: So what's been going on with her? Have you found anything out yet?
-MAMA SOLIS: Actually, Carlos, the more I watch her, the more I think she's probably not  
 stepping out on you.
 actually: 事實(shí)上 watch: 觀察 probably: 大概、或許 step out: 外出約會(huì)
-CARLOS: Really?
-MAMA SOLIS: Yeah. She's not perfect, Lord knows, but she loves you. I can tell.
 perfect: 完美的、理想的 Lord: 主、上帝 tell: 辨別
-CARLOS: Mama. You don't know what a relief it is to hear that.
 relief: 減輕、解除 hear: 聽到
 You know, it's funny. I really think she loves you, too.
 funny: 滑稽的、有趣的
-MAMA SOLIS: Oh?          
-CARLOS: I got concerned when I heard you played poker with her friends.
 concern: 關(guān)心、憂慮
 So I told her about your little problem.
-MAMA SOLIS: You told her about my gambling problem?
-CARLOS: Don't be mad, mama. I just didn't want you slipping into old habits.
 mad: 發(fā)瘋的 slip into: 墮入、落入 habit: 習(xí)慣
 And Gabrielle was very concerned about you.
 concerned about: 關(guān)心,掛念
-MAMA SOLIS: She knew.
-SUSAN: I don't get it. I've gone through all your yearbooks
 go through: 搜尋、查看 yearbook: 年鑒,(學(xué)校的)畢業(yè)班年刊
 and you and Zach never went to school with anybody named Dana.
 name: 命名,稱呼
-JULIE: He didn't say it was somebody we went to school with.
-SUSAN: Did it sound like a relative?
 relative: 親戚
-JULIE: He said Dana. It sounded like Dana.
 Unless he was using a code, that's all I've got.
 unless: 除非 code: 密碼
-SUSAN: Okay, give me a break here. I'm just grasping at straws.
 grasp at straws: 抓住救命稻草 grasp: 把握、領(lǐng)會(huì) straw: 麥稈
-JULIE: I'm sorry. It's...I'm worried about Zach.
 worried: 擔(dān)心的,焦慮的
 It's really creepy in there. Can't we get him out?
 creepy: 毛骨悚然的
-SUSAN: Honey, it's up to his father.
 be up to: 由…決定
-JULIE: Then I at least want to visit again.
 at least: 至少 visit: 拜訪
-SUSAN: I don't think that's a good idea either.
-JULIE: Why?
-SUSAN: I just have a feeling.
-MARY ALICE: Juanita was now more convinced than ever that her treacherous daughter-in-law  
 was having an affair.
 more than ever: 前所未有的 convince: 說服、相信 treacherous: 不忠的,背叛的
 daughter-in-law: 兒媳婦 
 But the question remained, with whom?
 remain: 依然,留下
-MARY ALICE: And suddenly, Juanita remembered
 suddenly: 突然地
 it wasn’t the men Gabrielle talked to that she had to worry about
,E-HEIGHT: 15pt"> What do I have to do? Beat up every guy in town?
 beat up: 暴打
-MAMA SOLIS: Marriage takes work!
 marriage: 婚姻
-LYNETTE: I’m not surprised that he’s playing it close to the vest. Paul knows we’re on to him.
 surprised: 感到驚訝的 close to the vest: 謹(jǐn)慎小心 vest: 背心 be on to someone: 知道(某人的)意
-BREE: Zach said Mary Alice killed herself because of something that he had done, something 
 kill oneself: 自殺 because of: 因?yàn)?/SPAN>
 Is there anyone else who'd know what he was talking about?
-SUSAN: No. That’s why we have to find him.
 have to: 必須、不得不
 It’s the only way we’ll know the truth.
 the only way: 唯一出路 truth: 真實(shí)、真相
-BREE: It just doesn’t make any sense. Zach is such a sweet kid.
 sweet: 甜的、可愛的 kid: 小孩
 I can’t imagine him doing anything that terrible.
 imagine: 想象、幻想 terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的
-GABRIELLE: Well, he did break into your house.
 break into: 闖入
 I mean, the kid is obviously troubled in some way.
 obviously: 顯然地 troubled: 麻煩的、困惑的 in some way: 在某種意義上,有一點(diǎn),有些
-DR. SICHER: Severe depression.
 severe: 嚴(yán)重的 depression: [精神病學(xué)]抑郁癥,憂郁癥
 Borderline personality disorder. Zach is a deeply troubled young man.
 borderline personality disorder: 邊緣型人格異常  borderline: 邊界、界限 personality: 個(gè)性 disorder:混亂 deeply: 深深地
-PAUL: I’m aware of that. What are you giving him?
 be aware of: 意識(shí)到 aware: 知道的、意識(shí)到的
-DR. SICHER: Some antidepressants and a mood stabilizer.
 antidepressant: 抗抑郁藥 mood: 心情、情緒 stabilizer: 穩(wěn)定器
-PAUL: Good.
-DR. SICHER: "I’m also recommending extensive psychotherapy,
 recommend: 建議、推薦 extensive: 廣泛的、廣闊的 unearth: 發(fā)掘 
 to help unearth any repressed.
 repressed: 被壓抑的 psychotherapy: 心理療法、精神療法 
-PAUL: I don’t think so.
-DR. SICHER: Mr. Young, I can’t just medicate him indefinitely.
 medicate: 用藥治療 indefinitely: 無限地
-PAUL: Forget the Freud and stick with the drugs.
 forget: 忘記 Freud: 弗洛伊德 stick with: 堅(jiān)持做 drug: 藥品
 No new treatments without my permission.
 treatment: 治療 permission: 同意、許可
-MS. TUESDALE: I think this is going to be a great version of Little Red Riding Hood,
 version: 版本 Little Red Riding Hood: 小紅帽 riding: 騎馬 hood: 頭巾 
and it is your involvement that make the plays here at Barcliffe Academy so special. Thank you.
involvement: 參與,加入 play: 劇本、戲劇 special: 特別的
And now, I would like to turn over the next part of our meeting to our parent coordinator, the amazing MaisyGibbons.
turn over: 移交 coordinator: 同等重要的人,伙伴 amazing: 令人驚異的
現(xiàn)在我要把我們的話題交給我的另外一個(gè)很棒的伙伴,Maisy Givens
-MAISY: Thank you, Ms. Truesdale.
Now, before everyone leaves, we have new copies of the script up here.
copy: 復(fù)印、副本 script: 原稿
Tilda and Francis and I went to the rehearsal yesterday,
rehearsal: 排練、彩排
and we were a little troubled by the ending.
troubled: 困惑的 ending: 結(jié)尾,結(jié)局
Killing the wolf. It says the wrong message to our kids.
kill: 殺死 wolf:  message: 消息、信息
And we believe that animals should only be euthanized as a last resort.
believe: 認(rèn)為,想 animal: 動(dòng)物 euthanize: 使安樂死 resort: 手段
-MAISY: Do you find something amusing?
 amusing: 有趣的、引人發(fā)笑的
-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, I thought you were kidding.
 kid: 開玩笑
-LYNETTE: Oh, okay.
-MAISY: So in our version, the wolf is aggressive because he has a thorn in his paw.
 aggressive: 有攻擊性的 thorn:  paw: 爪子
And the woodsman will take out the thorn, and send Mr. Wolf on his way.
woodsman: 樵夫 send...away: 放走…
-LYNETTE: I’m sorry, aren’t we doing Little Red Riding Hood?
-MAISY: Yes.
-LYNETTE: "So then you are aware that the wolf is a bad guy. He eats Little Red’s grandma.
 aware: 意識(shí)到、知道 grandma: (口語)外婆,奶奶
If you let him go, he’s just going to chow down on another defenseless old lady.
let go: 放開 chow:  defenseless: 毫無防備的 lady: 女士
-MAISY: I’m sorry, and you are?
-LYNETTE: I’m Lynette Scavo. My twins just joined. They’re playing oak trees.
twins: 雙胞胎 joined: 加入、參加 oak: 橡樹
我是Lynette Scavo,我的雙胞胎剛剛參加了,他們出演大橡樹。
-MAISY: Oh, of course. Lynette. Let’s see, you are ... signed up to take tickets the night of the
 show, is that right?
sign up: 簽字參加  ticket: 票、卷
-LYNETTE: "Yeah.
-MAISY: Well, with all due respect,
 with all due respect: [表示異議時(shí)所用的委婉語]盡管(對您)尊敬之至 due: 應(yīng)得的 respect: 尊敬
let’s leave the creative suggestions to the mothers who have assumed the heavy lifting, shall we?
creative: 創(chuàng)造性的 suggestion: 建議 assume: 假定、設(shè)想 lifting: 舉起
-LYNETTE: Sure. Whatever.
 whatever: 不管怎樣
-BREE: I must say, I’m jealous of how much time you two spend together.
 jealous of: 嫉妒 jealous: 妒忌的 spend: 花費(fèi)、度過
My mother-in-law would never want to hang out with me all day.
hang out: 居住于(某地);常去(某處) all day: 整天
-GABRIELLE: She sounds nice.
 sound: 聽起來,好像
-BREE: Oh, hey there, you two!
-JOHN: Mrs. Solis.
-GABRIELLE: I wasn’t aware you two were friends.
be aware of: 意識(shí)到 aware: 知道的、意識(shí)到的
-JOHN: Yeah, we go to the same school.
 the same: 同樣的
-GABRIELLE: Of course you do.
-DANIELLE: Mom, if you need anything, we’ll be upstairs in my room studying.
 upstairs: 樓上
-BREE: Have fun.
-GABRIELLE: Doesn’t it make you nervous, a boy alone upstairs with Danielle?
 nervous: 緊張的 alone: 單獨(dú)的
-BREE: Oh no, I don’t worry about John. Both he and Danielle are in the abstinence club.
 worry about: 擔(dān)心 abstinence: 節(jié)制 club: 俱樂部
-GABRIELLE: The coffee is a little hot.
 hot: 燙的,灼熱的
-MARY ALICE: Susan was infuriated by Paul’s evasive answers.         
 infuriate: 使發(fā)怒,激怒 evasive: 回避的、托詞的 answer: 回答,答案
-PAUL: Hey!
-MARY ALICE: She was convinced he was deliberately hiding Zach, and hiding the truth.
 convinced: 信服的 deliberately: 故意地 hide: 藏、隱瞞
She hoped that finding one would lead to the other.
hope: 希望 lead to: 引導(dǎo)
To succeed, Susan would have to be evasive herself.
succeed: 成功 
-MRS. GREENBURG: Susan. Long time no see.
-SUSAN: Mrs. Greenberg. Do you remember those two eggs I let you borrow last Christmas?
 remember: 記得 Christmas: 圣誕節(jié) borrow: 借入 last: 上一次
-SUSAN: I need those back.
-MRS. GREENBURG: Well gosh, honey, I’m fresh out, but if you want, I could run to the store.
 gosh: 糟了 honey: 親愛的,寶貝 fresh out: 忘記了 fresh: 新鮮的、無經(jīng)驗(yàn)的 store: 商店
-SUSAN: "Oh, forget about it, it’s not that important,
 forget about it: [口語]不要提了 important: 重要的
but since I’m here, do you still have that old hatchback sitting in your garage?
since: 既然 hatchback: 有艙門式后背的汽車 sit: 位于 garage: 車庫
Can I borrow it tomorrow?
-MRS. GREENBURG: You want to borrow my car?
-SUSAN: Just for a couple of hours.
a couple of: 兩個(gè),幾個(gè)
-MRS. GREENBURG: Well, I’m not sure. Do you know how to drive a stick?
 drive a stick: 開手動(dòng)檔的車 stick: 桿、手杖
-SUSAN: Yes, I think so. I learned in college. It’s like riding a bike, right?
 learn: 學(xué)習(xí) college: 學(xué)院 ride:
-MRS. GREENBURG: I’m not sure, dear.
-SUSAN: It’s not big deal. It’s just for a couple of hours.
 big deal: 重要的事 deal: [口語]事情
I let you borrow my eggs for a whole year.
whole: 整個(gè)的、全部
-DR. GOLDFINE: First off, I’m very pleased with the work we’ve done in our sessions thus far.
 first off: 首先  be pleased with: 對…高興的,滿意的 session: 會(huì)議【工作】 thus far: 目前為止
We’re making excellent progress.
make progress: 取得進(jìn)步 progress: 進(jìn)步、發(fā)展 excellent: 優(yōu)秀的、極好的
-BREE: "Thank you, I feel really good about it.
 feel good about: 對…感到滿意
-DR. GOLDFINE: But there are a few areas of your marriage we haven’t covered yet.
 area: 區(qū)域、領(lǐng)域 cover: 覆蓋、涉及
-BREE: "Oh, really. Like what?
-REX: Um, I’ve told Dr. Goldfine in our private sessions that I’m not happy with our sex life.
 private: 私人的 sex life: 性生活 sex:
-DR. GOLDFINE: And Rex feels when you two have intercourse,
 intercourse: 性交,交媾 
you’re not as connected as you could be.
 as…as: 一樣
-BREE: Connected?
 connected: 連續(xù)的,連貫的
-REX: Well yeah, it’s like you’re thinking about other things.
 think about: 思考、考慮
Is your hair getting messed up? Did you remember to buy the toothpaste?
mess up: 凌亂、混亂 toothpaste: 牙膏
You’re just not there.
-DR. GOLDFINE: This kind of disconnect is often a symptom of a deeper problem.
 disconnect: 斷開,脫節(jié) symptom: 癥狀、征兆 deeper: 更深
-REX: So, we were talking, and the idea of a sexual surrogate came up.
 sexual: 性的 surrogate: 代理人 come up: 提及;被提出
-DR. GOLDFINE: This is a licensed professional
 licensed: 得到許可的 professional: 專業(yè)人員
who'd work with you as a couple on solving whatever sexual problems you may be having.
work with: 處理 couple: 夫婦 whatever: 無論何事 solve: 解答、解決
I have an excellent referral.
referral: 提名
-BREE: And what would this sexual surrogate person do?                  
-REX: Well, she would coach us.
 coach: 訓(xùn)練、指導(dǎo)
-BREE: She!
-DR. GOLDFINE: She’s very discrete. You’ll hardly notice she's there.
 discrete: 不聯(lián)系的 hardly: 幾乎不 notice: 注意、留心
-BREE: "Oh. So she would be in the room with us, while we make love?
 make love: 做愛
-REX: Yes, helping us to achieve maximum sexual potential.
 achieve: 到達(dá)、實(shí)現(xiàn) maximum: 極點(diǎn)、最大 sexual: 性的 potential: 潛能、潛力
-DR. GOLDFINE: Do you have any questions?
-BREE: Just one. How much longer is your midlife crisis going to last,
 midlife: 中年 crisis: 危機(jī) last: 持續(xù)
because it is really starting to tick me off!
tick off: [美國口語]使…生氣,使…惱火
-LYNETTE: All right. I think everyone is down for a nap. We’ve got no more than an hour.
 nap: 小睡、打盹 no more than: 不超過
Let’s get cracking.
get cracking: [英國口語](迅速)開始工作,行動(dòng)起來;趕快 crack: 打開
-BREE: So how is it going with Mike, Susan?
 go with: 跟…談戀愛,與…交往
-SUSAN: It’s going, finally. We have our first official date next week.
 finally: 最后,最終 official: 官方的、正式的  date: 約會(huì)
I think he’s taking me to see a play or something.
play: 戲;表演 or something: 諸如此類的什么
-LYNETTE: Might I suggest the Barcliffe Academy production of Little Red Riding Hood?
 might: 可能 suggest: 建議 production: 作品、產(chǎn)品
-SUSAN: Oh, that’s right, the twins’ stage debut!
 stage: 舞臺(tái)、表演 debut: 初次登場
-GABRIELLE: Are they having fun?
 fun: 樂趣
-LYNETTE: Sure, they get to play oak trees.
 play: 扮演 oak: 橡樹 
I’m the one who has to deal with all the drama behind the scenes.
to deal with: 處理,對付 drama: 劇本、戲劇 scene: 場、景
-BREE: Oh, I take it you’ve met Maisy Gibbons.
-LYNETTE:  She’s a total nightmare. I guess I shouldn’t have challenged her.
 total: 完全的 nightmare: 噩夢 challenge: 挑戰(zhàn)
-BREE: Oh, dear.
-LYNETTE: Because now no one on the play committee even wants to talk to me.
 committee: 委員會(huì) even: 甚至
-BREE: Oh, Maisy does love to rule her little kingdom.
 rule: 統(tǒng)治、裁決 kingdom: 王國
-SUSAN: It hasn’t really changed since Girl Scouts.
 change: 改變 Girl Scouts: 女童子軍隊(duì)員 scout: 童子軍、偵查員
Girls smile at you to your face, and then behind your back, they make fun of you
smile at: 對…微笑 to one’s face: 當(dāng)面 make fun of: 嘲笑
because you’re the only one not shaving your legs yet.
shave: 刮、掠過
-LYNETTE: That would have never happened in Boy Scouts.
 happen: 發(fā)生
When I worked, mostly with men, I preferred the way they fought.
 mostly: 大概、主要 prefer: 更喜歡 fight: 競爭
A guy takes his opponent on, face to face, and once he’s won, he’s top dog.
opponent: 對手、敵手 face to face: 面對面地  win: 贏得,勝利  top dog: [俚語]優(yōu)勝者;(競爭中的)勝利者,獲勝者
It’s primitive, but it’s fair.
primitive: 簡單的 fair: 公平的
-SUSAN: And a lot less sneaky.
 sneaky: 鬼祟的、卑鄙的
-GABRIELLE: Isn’t it sexist of us to generalize like this.
 sexist: 性別歧視者 generalize: 一般化、概括
-LYNETTE: It’s science, Gabrielle. Sociologists have documented this stuff.
 science: 科學(xué) sociologist: 社會(huì)學(xué)家 document: 記載 stuff: 原料、東西
-GABRIELLE: Well, who am I to argue with sociologists?
 argue with: 不同意(某種看法)
Wow this, uh, this guacamole has got a kick. I’m going to run to the little girls room.
guacamole: 鱷梨色拉醬(是一種味道怪怪的墨西哥佐料,估計(jì)只有墨裔人喜歡。大家注意
GabrielleCarlos是墨裔)  kick: [口語](酒精等的)刺激;勁頭
You guys go ahead, I might be a while.
go ahead: 繼續(xù) 
-LYNETTE: I hate playing three handed poker. Let’s take a break.
 hate: 討厭,憎恨 poker: 撲克 take a break: 休息一會(huì)兒 break: 暫時(shí)休息
-MAMA SOLIS: I’ll play!
-BREE: You play poker?
-MAMA SOLIS: I used to play a little with my grandfather.
 used to: 過去常常
-MAMA SOLIS: Oh, I notice you were just playing for chips,
 notice: 注意到 chip: 微小的東西;無價(jià)值的東西
huh. My grandfather used to say, it’s always more fun to play for money.
used to: 常常 play for money: 賭錢
-LYNETTE: Why not? Fifty cents a bet?
 cent: 美分 bet: 賭注
-MAMA SOLIS: Make it a buck..
-MAMA SOLIS: Three raise limit. Twenty dollar buy in.
 raise: 上升、提高 limit: 限制、限定 buy in: 買進(jìn)
-JOHN: "Mrs. Solis! What are you doing?"
-GABRIELLE: "Why haven’t you returned any of my phone calls?"
 return: 回復(fù) phone call: 電話
-JOHN:  "I’ve been busy."
-GABRIELLE: "Yeah, I’ve seen who you’ve been busy with."
 busy with: 忙于
-JOHN: "Danielle? Come on, I mean, she’s just a friend."
 come on: 拜托
-GABRIELLE:  "Well, before you get any friendlier, let me remind you,
 friendly: 友好的 remind: 提醒
I can do things to you she can’t even pronounce.
pronounce: 說、宣稱
-JOHN: Well, a lot of good it does me with your mother-in-law following you around all the time.
 mother-in-law: 婆婆 follow: 跟隨 all the time: 一直
Look, maybe we should just cool it for a while."
maybe: 也許 cool it: 冷靜下來  for a while: 一段時(shí)間
-GABRIELLE: "Oh, no, John, please don’t say that. I have everything under control.
 under control: 處于控制之下 control: 控制
-GABRIELLE:  Now give me a boost.
 boost: 推進(jìn)、提高
-GABRIELLE: "Hey! So what did I miss?
 miss: 漏掉、錯(cuò)過
-MAMA SOLIS: Not much, just a few friendly hands of poker with the girls.
-MAISY: I'm sorry I'm late. As I’m sure you have all heard, Celia Bond broke her playing tennis,
 hear: 聽見、聽說 break: 折斷(骨頭等) wrist: 腕、腕關(guān)節(jié) tennis: 網(wǎng)球
我相信你們都聽說了,Cily Bon打網(wǎng)球的時(shí)候摔斷了根骨頭,
which means we are now in desperate need of someone to do the costumes.
mean: 意味著 in desperate need of: 極度需要 desperate: 絕望的、非常的 costume: 服裝、劇裝
I’m keeping my fingers crossed here. Are there any volunteers?
finger: 手指 cross: 交叉 volunteer: 志愿者
-LYNETTE: I’ll do it.
-MAISY: Really, that’s a ... do you know how to sew?
 sew: 縫紉、縫合
-LYNETTE: Absolutely.
 absolutely: 絕對的
-MAISY: Well, great, uh, thank you, Lynette!
-LYNETTE: Okay. So, now that I’m going to do some, heavy lifting,
I believe I have a right to talk about the changes made to the script?
right: 權(quán)利 changes: 改變 script: 劇本,腳本
-LYNETTE: Um, ladies. We all grew up with Little Red Riding Hood,
 grow up: 成長 
and we survived it, scary stuff and all,
survive: 生存、生還 scary: 膽小的 stuff: 東西
so I say, to hell with political correctness,
to hell with: 讓…見鬼去吧 political: 政治的 correctness: 正確性
let our kids experience this classic like it was meant to be enjoyed.
experience: 經(jīng)歷、體驗(yàn) classic: 經(jīng)典的、古典的 be meant to: 應(yīng)該是,希望是
enjoy: 享受、喜歡
Let’s kill the damn wolf, and just put on the best show we can.
damn: 該死的、可惡的 wolf:  put on: 表演;演出 show: 演出,節(jié)目
-MAISY: Thank you, Lynette, for that impassioned speech,
 impassioned: 狂熱的 speech: 演講
but I believe that ship has sailed.
 sail: 航行
-JORDANA: No, it hasn’t. We still have time to change the ending back.
 still: 仍然 
-MS. TUESDALE: And you know, Maisy, it is just a fairy tale 
 fairy tale: 童話故事 fairy: 仙女、精靈  tale: 傳說、故事
 I don’t think it will upset the children.
 upset: 使不安;煩擾
-MAISY: Well, I think you are wrong.
-LYNETTE: Well, that’s what’s so great about being in a democracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.
 democracy: 民主、民主制 entitled to: 有…的權(quán)利;有…的資格 entitled: 有資格的 opinion: 意見、想法
Also, everyone has a right to vote.
right: 權(quán)力 vote: 投票、表決
So all in favor of the woodsman going medieval on the big bad wolf’s ass...          
in favor of: 喜歡 woodsman: 林居者(如伐木工人、獵人等)  medieval: 中世紀(jì)的、仿中世紀(jì)的 ass:臀部
-BREE: "Dr. Goldfine.
 Goldfine 醫(yī)生。
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Bree."
-BREE: "You’re dining alone?"
 dining: 就餐
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Actually, I am."
 actually: 實(shí)際上
-BREE: "Well, what a coincidence. So am I.
 coincidence: 巧合
It seems a shame for us to eat by ourselves. Shall I, pull up a chair?"
 it seems: 看來是,似乎,據(jù)說  shame: 遺憾的事 pull up: 把…拉到近處;拉過來
-DR. GOLDFINE: "Bree, it’s nothing personal, but I never socialize with clients."
 personal: 私人的、個(gè)人的 socialize: 交往 client: 顧客、客戶
-BREE: "Oh," she pauses. "Oh, I get it. I’m so sorry, of course, it’s, it's inappropriate.
 pause: 暫停 get it: 理解 inappropriate: 不適當(dāng)?shù)、不相稱的
It’s just that after what happened yesterday, there’s so much I need to say because..."
happen: 發(fā)生
she pauses. I suppose it can wait.
suppose: 認(rèn)為,以為 wait: 等待
-GABRIELLE: No, Lynette, I’m sorry, Juanita’s taking a bath.
 take a bath: 洗澡 bath: 洗澡
Well, how much did she win from you? Geez," She laughs.
Yeah, I guess she’ll take a check. Okay. All right. Bye.
check: 檢查,查看 all right: 好吧
-CARLOS: What was that about?
-GABRIELLE: It turns out your mother is quite the card shark.
 turns out: 證明 card shark: [美國口語]玩牌老手;玩牌好手 shark: 鯊魚 [俚語]內(nèi)行
-CARLOS: You let her play cards? How long did she play?
 how long: 多久
-GABRIELLE: Not that long, why?
-GABRIELLE: Carlos, what is it?
-CARLOS: I never told you this, but my mother had a serious gambling problem.
 serious: 嚴(yán)肅的 gambling: 賭博、投機(jī)
-GABRIELLE: Was this before we were married?
 married: 已婚的
-CARLOS: Yeah. It was bad. She went into debt.
 go into: 進(jìn)入狀態(tài) debt: 債務(wù)
 She dipped into her savings, started hocking jewelry...
 dip into: 花錢、動(dòng)用 saving: 存款 hock: 典當(dāng)、抵押  jewelry: 珠寶
-GABRIELLE: Honey, it was only a small neighborhood game.
 neighborhood: 鄰居,街坊
-CARLOS: But it doesn’t take much for her to fall off the wagon.
 fall off: 跌落、陷入 wagon: 四輪馬車、貨車
 I know she seems like a very strong woman, but...
 strong: 堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的
-GABRIELLE: She has a major weakness.
 major: 主要的 weakness: 弱點(diǎn)
 Honey, oh, It's okay. You were right to tell me this.
 honey: 蜂蜜、寶貝
-DR. GOLDFINE: And you understand I have to treat this as a session.
 understand: 理解、了解 treat: 對待、處理 session: 會(huì)議、工作
-BREE: Of course, that's fine. Shall I include the meal?
 include: 包括 meal: 一餐,一頓飯
-DR. GOLDFINE: Oh no. We’ll split that.
 split: 分離、分開
-DR. GOLDFINE: So, let’s talk about yesterday.
 talk about: 談?wù)?/SPAN>
 You think there might have been some truth in what Rex said?
-BREE: No, I don’t.
-DR. GOLDFINE: Bree, you know, it’s not uncommon for people experiencing sexual repression
 to distance themselves from the act.
 uncommon: 不尋常的、非常的 experience: 經(jīng)歷;體驗(yàn) repression: 抑制、壓抑 distance: 使遠(yuǎn)離;使疏遠(yuǎn);對…冷淡 the act: [委婉語]性交,做愛
-BREE: Is that how you see me?
 As some sort of prude who just lays there like a cold fish? I love sex.
 sort of: 有點(diǎn) prude: 過分正經(jīng)的女人 lay:  cold fish: [俚語]沉默寡言、冷若冰霜的人 sex:性愛
-DR. GOLDFINE: All right.
-BREE: I love everything about it. The sensations, the smells.
 sensation: 感覺 smell: 聞、味道
 I especially love the feel of a man.
 especially: 尤其,特別 feel: 撫摸
 All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body. And then, when you add friction. Mmm ...  
 muscle: 肌肉 sinew: 肌肉、力量 press: 按、壓 add: 增加 friction: 摩擦
 The tactile sensation of running my tongue over a man’s nipple ever so gently.
 tactile: 觸覺的 tongue: 舌頭 nipple: 乳頭 gently: 輕輕的、溫柔的
 And then there’s the act itself –
 act: [the act][委婉語]性交,做愛
 two bodies becoming one in that final eruption of pleasure.
 final: 最后 eruption: 爆發(fā) pleasure: 高興、愉快
 To be honest, the only thing I don’t like about sex is the scrotum.
 to be honest: [用作插入語]說實(shí)在的,老實(shí)說 honest: 誠實(shí)的 scrotum: 陰囊
 I mean, obviously it has its practical applications, but I’m just not a fan.
 obviously: 顯然的 practical: 實(shí)際的 application: 用途 fan: 迷、狂熱
-WAITER: Can I get you something?
-DR. GOLDFINE: Uh, just the check, please.
 check: [美國英語]餐館(或酒吧間)的賬單
-WAITER: Sir, you haven’t ordered yet.
 order: 點(diǎn)菜
-MAMA SOLIS: We’re not shopping?
-GABRIELLE: Oh, I thought we would ,stop here for lunch first.
 This place has the best buffet in town. All you can eat crab legs. Oh no!
 buffet: 自助餐 crab:  
-MAMA SOLIS: What’s wrong? Let’s go!
-GABRIELLE: I didn’t realize how late it was.
 realize: 察覺、領(lǐng)悟
 They’re only holding the suede mini for me until two.
 suede: 小山羊皮 mini: 微型
 If we stay, I’ll never make it. We’ll just have lunch at the mall.
 mall: 商場
-MAMA SOLIS: Wait, uh, I’m really in the mood for crab legs.
 in the mood for: 想(有意) mood: 心情
 Why don’t you just drop me off, and you can come back.
 drop off: 讓…下車 
-GABRIELLE: Well, if the mall is crowded, it might take over an hour.
 crowded: 擁擠的 take: 花費(fèi)(時(shí)間)  over: (在數(shù)目、程度等上)高出,超過
-MAMA SOLIS: It’s a buffet. There’s no rush!
 rush: 匆促
-GABRIELLE: Hi John. Motel. Ten minutes. Be there.
 motel: 汽車旅館
-LYNETTE: All right. Off you go. Thanks.
 off you go: 去吧
-MAISY: Ooh, Lynette. I couldn’t help but notice,
 couldn’t help but: 情不自禁…   notice: 注意
 you forgot the coonskin on that hunter’s coonskin cap.
 coonskin: 浣熊的皮 hunter: 獵人 cap: 帽子
-LYNETTE: Oh, yeah, huh, it was a creative call.
 creative: 創(chuàng)造性的
 Look, I’m in the middle of a costume crisis, and if I don’t take a few shortcuts, I’ll never finish.
 in the middle of: 當(dāng)中 costume: 戲服 crisis: 危機(jī) shortcut: 捷徑 finish: 完成
-MAISY: Well, Jordana Guist manages to get her work done.
 manage: 處理、管理
 She runs the consessions, paints the sets,
 run: 經(jīng)營 paint: 涂色于 set:[戲劇]布景,場景
 and still has time to take care of her three kids and a husband.
 take care of: 照顧
 Now, we can’t have the students suffer just because you don’t understand the concept of time  
 suffer: 遭受、忍受 concept of time: 時(shí)間概念 concept: 觀念、概念 management: 管理
-LYNETTE: I hardly think the kids are going to suffer without a clump of fur on their heads.
 hardly: 幾乎不 clump: 叢、塊 fur: 毛皮、皮 
-MAISY: Okay, I’ll make a creative call.
 We’ll cut the oak trees. That forest is looking a little dense, anyway.
 cut: 刪除 forest: 森林 dense: 密集的、濃厚的 anyway: 不管怎樣
-LYNETTE: My boys are the oak trees.
-MAISY: Are they? Well, I wouldn’t worry. We’ll find something for them to do back stage.
 worry: 擔(dān)心,煩惱 back stage: 后臺(tái) stage: 舞臺(tái) 
 That’s where the real action is.
 real: 真的、真實(shí)的 action: 行動(dòng)、表現(xiàn)
-LYNETTE: I’ll finish the costumes.
 finish: 完成
-MAISY: Well, crisis averted.
 avert: 避免、防止
-JULIE: You have lost your mind.
 lose mind: 失去理智 mind: 主意、思想
-SUSAN: I checked up on this Silvercrest place. It’s a treatment center for troubled kids.
 check up: 核對、檢查 treatment: 治療 center: 中心 
 我查看了Silvercrest Juvenile這個(gè)地方,這是個(gè)問題少年治療中心。
 Who’s going to notice one more?
 I create the distraction. You blend in and find Zach.
 create: 創(chuàng)造、造成 distraction: 分心 blend in: 混入
-JULIE: How am I supposed to blend in with a bunch of messed up teenagers?
 supposed to: 應(yīng)該 suppose: 假定、想象 a bunch of: 很多 mess up: 混亂
 teenager: [美國英語]1319歲的)青少年
-SUSAN: I don’t know, Julie. You pretend to be bulemic. Gag a little.
 pretend: 假裝 bulimic: 貪食的 gag: 虛偽
 Come on, work with me here!
 work with: 與…合作
-JULIE: Mom, when this is over, we need to talk about your parenting skills.
 parenting: 父母對孩子的養(yǎng)育 skill: 技能、技巧
-SUSAN: Okay, fine, if you don’t want to help me, I’m not going to force you.
 force: 強(qiáng)迫
-JULIE: It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just, why does this mean so much to you?
 so much: 這么
-SUSAN: Because Mary Alice was a wonderful person,
 wonderful: 極好的、精彩的
 因?yàn)?/SPAN>Mary Alice是一個(gè)非常好的人,
 and now all anybody thinks about her is that she went off the deep end and did this terrible  
 selfish thing,
 terrible: 可怕的、糟糕的 go off: 死亡 the deep end: 水深的一頭 selfish: 自私的、利己的
 and I think there is more to it than that.
 She was my friend, Julie, and I owe it to her to find out the truth.
 owe: 有必要做(某事) find out: 發(fā)現(xiàn)
-GABRIELLE: Juanita, what’s wrong?
-GABRIELLE: Juanita!
-MAMA SOLIS: I didn’t go to the buffet. I went gambling instead, and I lost.
 buffet: 快餐部,便餐部  gambling: 賭博 instead: 代替、頂替 lose: (比賽、賭博等)輸?shù)?/SPAN>
-GABRIELLE: Well, how much did you have on you? It couldn’t have been much.
-MAMA SOLIS: I used Carlos’ credit card.
 credit: 信用 card: 卡片
-GABRIELLE: Okay, well, how much did you charge?
 charge: 花費(fèi)、費(fèi)用
-MAMA SOLIS: I don’t know, it stopped working.
-GABRIELLE: What do you mean, it stopped working.
 That thing has, like, a $15,000 credit limit.
 limit: 限制
-BREE: The man at the desk said there were no vacant rooms. Mind if I bunk with you?
 vacant: 空的 bunk: 睡在鋪位上
-REX: Bree, what are you doing here?
-BREE: It’s a little chilly out here, do you mind if we discuss this inside?
 chilly: 寒冷的 do you mind: 你介意……嗎? discuss: 討論 inside: 在里面
-REX: Come on in.
-BREE: It sure is nice and toasty in here.
 toasty: 溫暖舒適的
-REX: You look amazing.
 amazing: 令人驚異的
-BREE: Thanks. I was hoping you’d notice.
 hope: 希望 notice: 注意
 Well, it certainly isn’t the Ritz, but it has all the essentials.
 certainly: 無疑地,肯定地 ritz: 夸耀 essential: 要素、要點(diǎn)
-REX: I don’t know what to say.
-BREE: Then perhaps you shouldn’t say anything.
 perhaps: 可能
-BREE: Oh Rex, oh baby, stop, I just need a minute.
-REX: Oh, sweetie. Just leave it. Just leave it!
 sweetie: 情人、愛人 leave: 不管;忽略
-BREE: Okay, baby, where were we?
-REX: I told you to leave it.
-BREE: Sorry. I just - ah, come on, are you going to make a big deal about this?
 a big deal: 了不起的事,大人物
-REX: You know, to tell you the truth...
-REX: ...now is not really a good time for me.
-BREE: Well it’s obvious you’ve never had to remove a cheese stain. Hmph!
 obvious: 顯然的 remove: 除去 cheese: 乳酪、干酪 stain: 污染、污點(diǎn)
-LYNETTE: Bree, I totally understand. Yeah, I already tried Susan.
 totally: 完全的  understand: 理解  already: 已經(jīng) tried: 疲倦的
 And Gabby can't sew to save her life but seriously,
I’m going to be fine. But thanks anyway. Bye!
 sew: 縫紉 seriously: 認(rèn)真地 anyway: 不管怎樣
-JORDANA: Well, I’m a little ahead with my painting. Do you need some help?
 ahead: 在前面 painting: 油漆
-LYNETTE: Oh Jordana, you are really a lifesaver, thank you.
 lifesaver: 救命者
 Here, these pieces need trim.
 trim: 整理、修剪
-JORDANA: I’ll help for as long as I can, but I have a lot on my plate tonight.
 as long as I can: 盡快 on one’s plate: 待處理 plate: 盤子
 I have to make twenty-five mini quiches for my book club.
 quiche: 乳蛋餅 club: 俱樂部
-LYNETTE: You’re not human, are you! You were sent by aliens to make the human race feel 
 human: 人類 alien: 外國的 race: 種族 inadequate: 不充分的、不適當(dāng)?shù)?/SPAN>
-LYNETTE: Seriously, how, how do you cram it all in?
 seriously: 認(rèn)真地、嚴(yán)肅地  cram: 塞滿、填滿
-JORDANA: Can you keep a secret?
 keep a secret: 保守秘密 secret: 秘密
-LYNETTE: Um, sure.
-LYNETTE: That’s ADD medication.
 medication: 藥物治療
 My kids take this, or they almost did. I thought it was supposed to calm you down?
 supposed to: 應(yīng)該,猜想會(huì) calm down: 鎮(zhèn)定下來
-JORDANA: Um, it has the opposite effect if you don’t have attention deficit disorder.
 opposite: 相反的、相對的 effect: 影響、效果 attention: 注意力 deficit: 不足
 disorder: 紊亂,異常
 Ever chug a pot of Turkish coffee?
 chug: 一口氣的 pot: 罐、壺 Turkish: 土耳其的 
-LYNETTE: Seriously, you’re taking your kids medication?
-JORDANA: Once in a while. Do you want a couple?
 once in a while: 偶爾、有時(shí) couple: 幾個(gè)、一些
 -LYNETTE: Oh, that’s very kind of you, but I just smoked some crack a little while ago,
 crack: [美國俚語](強(qiáng)效純可卡因濃縮的)可卡因藥丸
 so I better not mix.
 mix: 混合、加入
-GABRIELLE: This is what we’ll do. I’ll sell some old jewelry, pay off the credit card,
 jewelry: 珠寶,首飾 pay off: 償還 
 and Carlos will never find out!
 find out: 發(fā)現(xiàn)
-MAMA SOLIS: You would do that for me?
-GABRIELLE: Of course I would, why wouldn’t I?
-MAMA SOLIS: Well, for starters, you hate me.
 for starters: 首先 starter: 起動(dòng)機(jī) hate: 討厭,憎恨
-GABRIELLE: Oh, that is overstating it ... a little.
 overstate: 夸張
 The bottom line is, no matter how much I dislike you, I love Carlos more.
 the bottom line: 基本要點(diǎn)  bottom: 底部的 no matter how: 無論怎樣 matter: 事件、物質(zhì)
 dislike: 不喜歡
 If Carlos finds out about the money, he’ll be devastated.
 devastate: 毀壞,使不知所措
 I don’t want to see him hurt.
 hurt: 受傷的
 You don’t have to believe I’m a good person, but at least believe I care about my husband.
 at least: 至少 care about: 關(guān)心,在乎
-GABRIELLE:  Fine, to heck with it. I’m not going to risk my neck to protect you.
 to heck with: 讓…見鬼去 heck=hell: 見鬼 risk: 拿…冒險(xiǎn) neck: 項(xiàng)鏈 protect: 保護(hù)
 I’m calling Carlos.
-MARY ALICE: Juanita might have been the gambler of the family.
 gambler: 賭徒
-MAMA SOLIS: Wait, I believe you.
-MARY ALICE: But Gabrielle was the one who knew how to bluff.
 bluff: 嚇唬、虛張聲勢
-SUSAN: Hi, I’m Susan Mayer. I have an appointment to see Dr. Seker.
 appointment: 約會(huì)、預(yù)定
 你好,我是Susan Mayer,我約好了來見Seker醫(yī)生.
-NURSE: Yes, yes, he’s expecting you, let me get him for you.
 expect: 等待,盼望 
-DR SICHER: Hi, I’m Dr. Seker. So you're here doing research for a children’s book.
 research for: 調(diào)查 research: 研究、調(diào)查
-SUSAN: I sure am.
-JULIE: Zach?
-ZACH:  Oh hi, Julie.
-JULIE: What’s wrong with you?
-ZACH: It’s just all these pills they make me take. They kind of make me sleepy.
 pill: 藥丸 kind of: 差不多,相當(dāng) sleepy: 嗜睡的 
 What are you doing here?
-JULIE: I came to see how you were, and to ask you something.
 Look, I don’t have much time.
-ZACH: What is it?
-JULIE: Last week you told Mrs. Van de Kamp that your mom killed herself because of  
 something you did, something bad.
 kill oneself: 自殺 because of: 因?yàn),由?/SPAN>
 上周你告訴Van De Kamp夫人你媽媽自殺是因?yàn)槟阕隽诵┎缓玫氖虑椤?/SPAN>
 What were you talking about?
-ZACH: After my mom died, I started remembering things that happened when I was little.
 die: 死亡 happen: 發(fā)生
 What happened to Dana.
-JULIE: Dana, who’s Dana?
-NURSE: What are you doing here?
-JULIE: I Was just - visiting my friend.
 visit: 拜訪、訪問
-NURSE: This patient is not allowed visitors.
 patient: 病人 allow: 允許 visitor: 參觀者、訪問者
-JULIE: I guess I have to go. I am so sorry, Zach.
 guess: [主美國口語]想;認(rèn)為
-REX:  Hi. I don’t want to disturb you, I just left some important papers here.
 disturb: 擾亂、妨礙 paper: 文件
 What are you doing?
-BREE:  I’m repairing a chipped mug.
 repair: 修理 chipped: 有缺口的 mug:
-REX: Why don’t you just buy a new one?
-BREE: Because I think it is better to fix what you already have.
 fix: 修理
-REX: Listen, um, about what happened today...
-BREE:  You humiliated me, Rex. For no good reason.
 humiliate: 使蒙羞 good reason: 充足的理由 reason: 原因、理由
-REX: I’m sorry.
-BREE:  I was there. I was willing. Normal men don’t say no to that.
 willing: 愿意的 normal: 正常的
-REX: You, you upset me.
 upset: 煩擾
-BREE: See, but I don’t think that’s the reason.
 After I left the motel, I um, did some thinking about us and our sex life,
 sex life: 性生活
 and I realized there has been a disconnect, but it’s coming from you.
 realize: 覺察,領(lǐng)悟 disconnect: 斷開、分開 come from: 來自
-REX: That’s ridiculous.
 ridiculous: 荒謬的、可笑的
-BREE: How many years have we been making love, and you've started to ask me something,
 but then you stop?
-REX: I, I don’t know what you’re talking about.
-BREE: You are unhappy with our sex life because you’re not getting something from me,
 unhappy: 不快樂的 
 but you’re simply too afraid to ask.
 simply: 簡單地、僅僅 tooto: 太…而不能
-REX: My problem with our sex life is that you can’t stop thinking about the house work.
 problem: 問題 house work: 家務(wù)
-BREE: Well, then, if that is the case, then take me, right here, right now.
 case: 情況、事件 right now: 現(xiàn)在
 The house is spotless. There aren’t any burritos lying around to pull my focus...
 spotless: 無可挑剔的 burrito: 玉米煎餅 pull: 吸引 focus: 焦點(diǎn)、注意力
-REX: I’m not in the mood.
 in the mood: 心情、好心情
-BREE: Why not? We haven’t had sex for months, Rex.
 Most normal, red-blooded men would be climbing the walls by now.
 red-blooded: 精力充沛的、活躍的 climb: 攀登 wall:  by now: 到現(xiàn)在
-REX: Please, don’t do this.
-BREE: Rex, whatever you want, I'll go there with you.
 whatever: 不管什么
 I will go there with you, you just have to say it out loud.
 loud: 大聲的
 Tell me, what do you want? What do you need?
-REX: I need for you to stop talking like this.
 need for: 需要
-BREE: Why?
-REX: Because you sound like a whore.
 sound like: 好像 whore: 妓女
-BREE: No I don’t. I sound like a woman whose husband won’t touch her.
 touch: 觸碰
 Rex, after Mary Alice killed herself, it all hit me.
 hit: 打擊、沖撞
 Rex,自從Mary Alice死了以后,給我很大觸動(dòng)。
 We all have our secrets, and I think it’s time for you to tell me yours.
 secret: 秘密 it’s time for: 時(shí)間了
-REX: I’m going.
-MARY ALICE: That night, while most of Wisteria Lane dreamt the night away,
 dream: 進(jìn)入夢鄉(xiāng),入睡
 夜幕降臨了,當(dāng)Wisteria Lane的大部分人都入睡了,
 Lynette was in the middle of her own personal nightmare.
 in the middle of: 正在…當(dāng)中 own: 自己的  personal: 個(gè)人的  nightmare: 噩夢
 Determined her boys would not miss their fairy tale debut,
 determine: 決定、確定 fairy tale: 神話,童話 debut: 初次登場
 Lynette stayed up 18 hours straight, sewing.
 stay up: 熬夜 straight: 直接的、連續(xù)的 
 But she began to fear her story would not have a happy ending.
 fear: 擔(dān)心、害怕 ending: 結(jié)局
-MARY ALICE: Luckily for Lynette, she had a magic potion handy.
 Luckily: 幸運(yùn)地 magic:有魔力的 potion: 一服、一劑  handy: 方便的
-MARY ALICE: And once she had taken it...the magic kept working....
 keep doing: 持續(xù)
-MARY ALICE: ...and working...
-MARY ALICE: ...and working.
-MARY ALICE: It wasn't until noon that Lynette finally took a break.
finally: 最終,最后  take a break: 休息一下
 And the reality of what she had done began to sink in.
 reality: 現(xiàn)實(shí),真相 sink in: 被了解、被理解
-LYNETTE: My, what big eyes you have.
-GABRIELLE: Mama Juanita, I'm going to the store. Do you need anything?
-MAMA SOLIS: I'm fine, thank you.
-CARLOS: So what's been going on with her? Have you found anything out yet?
-MAMA SOLIS: Actually, Carlos, the more I watch her, the more I think she's probably not  
 stepping out on you.
 actually: 事實(shí)上 watch: 觀察 probably: 大概、或許 step out: 外出約會(huì)
-CARLOS: Really?
-MAMA SOLIS: Yeah. She's not perfect, Lord knows, but she loves you. I can tell.
 perfect: 完美的、理想的 Lord: 主、上帝 tell: 辨別
-CARLOS: Mama. You don't know what a relief it is to hear that.
 relief: 減輕、解除 hear: 聽到
 You know, it's funny. I really think she loves you, too.
 funny: 滑稽的、有趣的
-MAMA SOLIS: Oh?          
-CARLOS: I got concerned when I heard you played poker with her friends.
 concern: 關(guān)心、憂慮
 So I told her about your little problem.
-MAMA SOLIS: You told her about my gambling problem?
-CARLOS: Don't be mad, mama. I just didn't want you slipping into old habits.
 mad: 發(fā)瘋的 slip into: 墮入、落入 habit: 習(xí)慣
 And Gabrielle was very concerned about you.
 concerned about: 關(guān)心,掛念
-MAMA SOLIS: She knew.
-SUSAN: I don't get it. I've gone through all your yearbooks
 go through: 搜尋、查看 yearbook: 年鑒,(學(xué)校的)畢業(yè)班年刊
 and you and Zach never went to school with anybody named Dana.
 name: 命名,稱呼
-JULIE: He didn't say it was somebody we went to school with.
-SUSAN: Did it sound like a relative?
 relative: 親戚
-JULIE: He said Dana. It sounded like Dana.
 Unless he was using a code, that's all I've got.
 unless: 除非 code: 密碼
-SUSAN: Okay, give me a break here. I'm just grasping at straws.
 grasp at straws: 抓住救命稻草 grasp: 把握、領(lǐng)會(huì) straw: 麥稈
-JULIE: I'm sorry. It's...I'm worried about Zach.
 worried: 擔(dān)心的,焦慮的
 It's really creepy in there. Can't we get him out?
 creepy: 毛骨悚然的
-SUSAN: Honey, it's up to his father.
 be up to: 由…決定
-JULIE: Then I at least want to visit again.
 at least: 至少 visit: 拜訪
-SUSAN: I don't think that's a good idea either.
-JULIE: Why?
-SUSAN: I just have a feeling.
-MARY ALICE: Juanita was now more convinced than ever that her treacherous daughter-in-law  
 was having an affair.
 more than ever: 前所未有的 convince: 說服、相信 treacherous: 不忠的,背叛的
 daughter-in-law: 兒媳婦 
 But the question remained, with whom?
 remain: 依然,留下
-MARY ALICE: And suddenly, Juanita remembered
 suddenly: 突然地
 it wasn’t the men Gabrielle talked to that she had to worry about

上一篇:看絕望的主婦學(xué)英語 Desperate Housewives 第一季 7:Anything You
下一篇:看絕望的主婦學(xué)英語 Desperate Housewives 第一季 5集:Come in, Str

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